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这个研究包括了近46000名绝经后妇女。The study included nearly 46,000 postmenopausal U.

减少痤疮,减少绝经后髋部骨折的危险。Can decrease the risk of postmenopausal hip fracture.

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绝经后女性骨折风险与服用大剂量TZD有关。In postmenopausal women, risk was associated with higher TZD dose.

减少痤疮,减少绝经后髋部骨折的危险。Improves acne. Can decrease the risk of postmenopausal hip fracture.

而第二项以色列的研究,追踪了超过4千名绝经后的国内妇女。Thesecond study tracked more than 4,000 postmenopausal women in Israel.

作为一个对比,绝经后的女子每年才流失同样数量的骨质。A postmenopausal woman, by comparison, loses that amount of bone in a year.

来曲唑可用于连续5年、每天服用三苯氧胺的绝经后妇女。Letrozole may be used for postmenopausal women who have completed 5 yr of daily tamoxifen.

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应仔细检查绝经后妇女的内膜息肉以排除EIC改变。Caution should be given to endometrial polyps of postmenopausal women to exclude EIC change.

雷洛昔芬还被用于防治绝经后妇女骨质疏松症。Raloxifene is also used in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

绝经后妇女应每月相同时间进行自检。D. Postmenopausal women should perform breast self-examination on the same day of each month.

目的探讨替勃龙治疗妇女绝经期综合征的疗效及副反应情况。Objective To observe the effects of tibolone on climacteric syndrome in postmenopausal women.

对绝经后的妇女效果更加明显,但是年轻的妇女同样有升高的危险。The effect was more pronounced on postmenopausal women, but young women also had a raised risk.

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这些女患者通常都已绝经,她们能感到有东西下垂。These ladies were typically postmenopausal and they had this sensation of something coming down.

雷洛昔芬是用来预防和治疗绝经后妇女的骨质疏松症的。Raloxifene is indicated for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

健骨二仙丸对老年大鼠松质骨生物力学性能也有部分改善作用。Jian-Gu-Er-Xian extraction can treat postmenopausal osteoporosis with the close effect of Premarin.

所有患者在确诊时均有淋巴结阴性乳腺癌以及处在绝经期。All patients had lymph node-negative breast cancer and were postmenopausal at the time of diagnosis.

男性和绝经后妇女每天只需8毫克,而绝经前的妇女每天则需18毫克。Men and postmenopausal women need only around 8 mg a day, while premenopausal women need 18 mg a day.

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随着年龄的增加,女性得此病的情况比男性更普遍,尤其是围绝经期的女性。The disease increases with age and is more common in women than men, especially postmenopausal women.

整整有半数的停经后妇女,她们的后半生都会遭受骨质疏松症引起的骨折。Fully half of all postmenopausal women will incur an osteoporosis-related fracture during their lives.

尿路感染。复发性尿路感染是许多绝经后妇女的一个问题。Urinary tract infection. Recurrent urinary tract infections are a problem for many postmenopausal women.