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数学恐惧症没什么大不了的It's fine to be math phobic.

我害怕很多东西I'm phobic of all sorts of things.

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在家看视频的数学恐惧症患者也一起做This goes for people who are math phobic at home too.

今天我请有动物恐惧症的男朋友到家里玩。Today, I invited my very animal phobic boyfriend over.

这类专家知道怎样来帮助恐惧症患者变得不害怕。Such specialists know how to help phobic people become less afraid.

是由专家来专门训练恐惧症患者。There are specialists who have been trained to deal with phobic patients.

他们教给他们怎样面对他们害怕的东西,到最后就会战胜它们。They teach phobic people how to deal with their fears and, eventually, overcome them.

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我们以前是最大的,最快的,创新的。现在我们是疯狂的,贪婪的,自我为中心的和惊恐的。We used to be the biggest, fastest, and first to innovate. Now we are crazy, greedy, self-centered, and phobic.

尽管有这些麻烦,患有社会恐惧症的青少年并没有比那些正常的伙伴多服药。Despite these troubles, the socially phobic teens were no more likely than their counterparts to be taking medication.

现在我们暂停一下,根据之前的教学经验,我知道有些人有数学恐惧症Now this is when I want to stop for a second and I know that some of you, from past experience, are somewhat math phobic.

如此的一段练习使又恐惧症的人们慢慢得让他或她学会控制自己的害怕,甚至克服了它们。Such sessions teach the phobic person slowly that he or she can learn to control his or her fears, and even overcome them.

假如你有恐惧症或者是你需要帮助,再或者是你知道一个恐惧症的患者需要帮助,在你的一生的帮助下就会找到一个这方面的专家。If you have phobias and want help , or know a phobic person who wants help, ask your doctor for help in finding a specialist.

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我开始变得惊恐和疏远人群,甚至不敢走向路人请求他为我腾出5分钟的时间。I had turned into a trembling, alienated social phobic who didn’t dare to walk up to anyone and ask them for five minutes of their time.

对体育向来不感冒的约翰·艾尔金顿硬着头皮参观了2012年伦敦奥运会会址,然而,在那里他被奥组委可持续性团队的杰出成就所征服。Sports phobic John Elkington steeled himself for a visit to the London 2012 site – where he was dazzled by the feats of its sustainability team.

我们人类史非常非常具有死亡恐惧的物种。我们可以做任何事情来避免死欲本能带给我们的痛苦。We humans are a very, very death phobic species. We will do almost anything to avoid the pain that acts based on the thanatos instinct can bring.

然而,那些有潜在社交恐惧症的孩子似乎还有其他的心理问题,如抑郁症、滥用药物等。Still, those identified as potentially socially phobic were more likely to have another mental health problem, such as depression or substance abuse.

这是这种类型的人可能会把孩子留在家里,或者没有认识到教会孩子面对外面世界的恐惧。It is this type of Phobic person who may want to keep their children home or who, without realizing it may be teaching their children to fear the outside world.

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没人选择遭受恐慌,忧虑,病态反应或其它的性格混乱。No person chooses to suffer from panic, anxiety, phobic reactions or some type of personality disorder. I hear you asking the question of what purpose there is of pointing at the mother?

行为疗法对克服恐怖症常有疗效,它让患病者逐渐处于会引起他焦虑的对象或情景下,让他明白实际并没有威胁存在。Behaviour therapy can be helpful in overcoming phobias, the phobic person being gradually exposed to the anxiety-provoking object or situation in a way that demonstrates that no threat really exists.

在暴露疗法中,有恐惧症的人将自己置于他们所害怕的环境中--诸如高空,蜘蛛等等,直到习惯为止,如此他们就可以客服对该环境或者物体的恐惧。In exposure therapy, the phobic person puts him or herself in the presence of whatever they fear--heights, spiders, etc.--until, through habituation, they lose their fear of that situation or object.