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在阿尔戈斯建立一个国会。Construct a Capitol on Argos.

把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯的高原。Bring Pelops to the plateau in Argos.

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我把它称呼“阿尔戈斯”!I shall call it "horse-pasturing Argos"!

马德拉斯包装目前有员工79阿哥斯。Madras Packaging currently employs 79 in Argos.

把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯和毁灭1个敌人镇中心。Bring Pelops to Argos and destroy 1 enemy Town Center.

把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯和毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。Bring Pelops to Argos and destroy 2 enemy Town Centers.

艾内的想法将出售阿尔戈斯在圣诞节期间。Aine's idea will be sold by Argos in time for Christmas.

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在阿尔戈斯建立城市和毁灭1个敌人城镇中心。Construct a Capitol on Argos and destroy 1 enemy Town Center.

在阿尔戈斯建立城市和毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。Construct a Capitol on Argos and destroy 2 enemy Town Centers.

阿戈斯来源于他们统治希腊阿戈斯的事实Argives comes from the fact that they rule over the land Argos in Greece.

让我们去阿尔戈斯一起建立一个从来没有过强大的城堡。Let us go to Argos and upon it we shall build a citadel like none seen before.

让我们对艾内的牙齿仙女的Argos的玩具娃娃的一部分范围兴奋。We're excited about making Aine's tooth fairy doll part of the Argos toy range.

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那些苏格兰士兵,在临死时还想念着班乐乡,正如希腊人回忆阿戈斯①一样。These Scotchmen died thinking of Ben Lothian, as did the Greeks recalling Argos.

国王珀罗普斯在哪里?他的人民需要他的指导。他必须带领着他们!Where is King Pelops? His people need his guidance. He must come to Argos to lead them!

这篇文章接下去指出该病症的发现者之一是蓝洋洋博士。The article went on to quote a Dr. Leth Argos as one of the discoverers of the disorder.

倘若皮勒斯并未在阿尔戈斯丧命于一个老太婆手下,或是尤利乌斯·恺撒不曾被短剑刺死呢?Had Pyrrhus not fallen by a beldam's hand in Argos or Julius Caesar not been knifed to death?

这家英国新兴公司目前正在同伦敦区域的一些Argos商店测试这项业务。The UK startup is currently trialling its service with certain Argos stores in the London area.

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希腊南部的一个古代地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒东北部,由阿尔戈斯城统治。An ancient region of southern Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus, dominated by the city of Argos.

在阿尔戈斯,城堡是完好的。利用人民的力量种植,并把规模扩展到所有土地。The citadel at Argos is complete. The power of our people can now grow, and extend across the entire land.

它适用于各种成分的天然气与工业气体之减压场所。The ARGOS is a pressure-reducing regulator, which can be used for all types of natural gas and industrial gas applications.