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啊,这生命的奇迹。Ah, the miracle of life.

你在期求一个奇迹吗?Are you hoping for a miracle?

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但是我认为,这是一个奇迹。But I consider this a miracle.

他的生命被奇迹般地救下来了。His life was saved by a miracle.

它是怎样实现这个奇迹的呢?How did it achieve this miracle?

这些砂坝简直就是个奇迹。They are quite simply a miracle.

不过那也要奇迹发生才能实现了。But that would also take a miracle.

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医生冷酷地宣布她的死亡。Miracle coldly pronounces her dead.

她是怎么考试及格的简直是奇迹。How she passed the exam is a miracle.

水仙借水开花自一奇。It's a miracle that she grows in water.

妞妞能在事故中存活下来是一个奇迹。It’s miracle Niu survived the accident.

妙手随意摄奇迹。Painters to random perturbation miracle.

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你创造了一个神化,创造了一个奇迹。You created a deification and a miracle.

我没能有幸见识这一奇迹。I don't have the honor to see the miracle.

实际上,这种神药已经存在。Actually, this miracle cure already exists.

小宝能够活下来,这是一个奇迹。It would be a miracle if Xiao Bao survived.

医学杂志收回耶稣奇迹的论文Medical Journal Retracts Jesus Miracle Paper

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现在除非出现奇迹,已经无法挽救他了。Nothing short of a miracle can save him now.

这个有关奇迹的问题只是第一步。The Miracle Question is just the first step.

自一九八○起,中国真是个经济奇迹。An economic miracle China truly is, since 1980.