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我知道鲍伯做出了牺牲。I knew Bob had given sacrificially.

牺牲的爱在人们中间已经消失了。People no longer love each other sacrificially.

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这就是不计代价的付出。And that is the essence of giving sacrificially.

让我们为所有热爱中国及为神摆上的宣教士及传道人感恩。We thank the Lord for all the missionaries who loved China so much and gave sacrificially.

开始牺牲地捐献,放弃你的一些欲望,使你能帮助其他有需要的人。Begin to give sacrificially , giving up some of your desires so that you can meet the needs of others.

韩国教会一向慷慨供应中国人福音的需要,并支持国内近十多所神学院。Korean churches have given generously and sacrificially for Chinese churches and have supplied many seminaries throughout China.

联合慈善总会,红十字会,一些出于信仰的志愿者,救世军慈善组织----都无私地捐助了一些需要帮助的邻里。The United Way, The Red Cross, the faith-based volunteers, the Salvation Army -- all have given sacrificially for neighbors in need.

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每一次上帝子民尊崇祂,或为祂的工作牺牲奉献,在天上都会记录,上帝也必尊荣他。Each time one of the Lord's people brings honor to Him, or gives sacrificially to His work, it is recorded in heaven, and that one will be honored by the Lord.

在主日学校的一间房子里,你可能看到一幅带着甜美笑脸的小女孩画像,正是她怀着牺牲精神积攒的57美分创造了这一非凡的历史。In one of the rooms of this building may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little girl whose 57 cents, so sacrificially saved, made such remarkable history.

在与电解质如海水甚至雨水接触时,锌以自身的腐蚀来保护相邻的裸露的铁,从而防止锈蚀从镀锌层的裂痕处扩展开来。In contact with an electrolyte such as sea water or even rain water, zinc protects the adjacent bare iron sacrificially and prevents the spreading of rust from breaks in a zinc coating.