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之后,男人就是浮云了。After this, a man is as insubstantial as a cloud.

早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器。Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue.

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虽然希拉里方面指责奥巴马的言辞没有实际意义,但是奥巴马并不理会这种说法。Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial.

奥巴马不理会那些认为他言辞空洞的见解。Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial.

纯血统巫师对于麻瓜出身巫师的偏见其实也毫无根据。The pureblood prejudice towards Muggle-borns is also largely insubstantial.

有一些生物是虚体,一些能力也能使你变为虚体状态。Some creatures are insubstantial, and some powers can make you insubstantial.

他的世界大体说来写得非常有趣。但是虚构的。His world is, on the whole, made wonderfully interesting. but it is insubstantial.

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1943年,这位充满幻想的美丽女孩与比其年长许多的查理·卓别林私奔。A beautiful but insubstantial girl, in 1943 she ran off with the much older Charlie Chaplin.

日落的时候这个码头就成为一件艺术杰作,它就像是一朵被栅栏拦住的飘忽的云,在如火般红的波浪上浮动。At sunset the pier becomes a work of art, as insubstantial as a barred cloud floating on the fiery waves.

然而牙齿并没有皮肤,所以这一说法可能代指小、纤薄而不重要的东西。Teeth don't have skin, so it was likely an allusion to something small or so thin that it was insubstantial.

巧妙应用程序的大量和虚的打击是在运动和力的武术成立为法团的。Ingenious applications of substantial and insubstantial blows are incorporated in the movements and forces of Wushu.

但是三星的产品非常纤薄,和其产品体系中的其他纤薄产品一样,在后盖上也有独特的细节设计。But the Samsung products are very thin, almost insubstantial members of that family with unusual details on the back.

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散一墨砚香,挥毫而就成一段清丽光年,纵然是举案齐眉的执手之约也终不过是镜花水月般的飘渺如烟。A fragrant ink, paint and became a beautiful light, even the handle him about all is but a mirage, insubstantial objects like a smoke.

奥巴马全然不理会那些说他措辞毫无实质的言论。他说他会鼓舞人民团结起来解决问题。Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial. He says he would inspire people to come together to solve problems.

镀金、迷人、细腻而单薄,他们动用自己的脚落水的爱心和突然消失的水若过于热情。Gilded and charming delightful yet insubstantial they dip their toes into the waters of love and vanish abruptly if the water gets too warm.

沿岸有度假者在游泳,其中一人带着一块香皂,湖水清澈透明,人仿佛是游在虚空之中。Some of the other campers werein swimming, along the shore, one of them with a cake of soap, and the waterfelt thin and clear and insubstantial.

“鲁绣”传承与发展的探索,对保护非物质文化遗产具有启示意义。The research for Lu embroidery's inheritance and development will have an inspiring value for the preservation of insubstantial cultural heritage.

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痕检技术人员必须对这种非本质变化的形成因素进行研究,作出科学的、符合客观实际的检验鉴定结论。So people of inspecting marks must study the cause of the insubstantial changes and draw scientific and practical inspecting and identification conclusions.

但鉴于美国国家财政状况糟糕以及房利美对此负有不可推卸的责任,可能现在是时候让这家差一点破产的机构“安息”了。But given the pathetic state of our national finances and Fannie's not insubstantial role in the same, maybe it's about time we gave this all-but bankrupt institution its due.

我们与好朋友有意思的聊天很多时候也言之无物的,也是一种时间的浪费,我们就把这种聊天比作射击微风。Since many of our conversations with good friends are also wasting time pleasantly talking about insubstantial topics, we may compare those conversations to "shooting the breeze."