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那就让我们污染暴君的空气。Let us sully the air for the oppressor

明主给每一个人统治自己的权利。Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor.

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很少是奴隶,但是几乎总是由压迫者变成奴隶。Rarely the slave but almost always the oppressor turned slave.

你可选择于重置步骤中不重置无情压制者。You may choose not to untap Callous Oppressor during youruntap step.

你们如何起诉一个有欺诈或压迫行为,但又是受到侵害和虐待的人呢?And how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor

让一个人总是向著他的敌人低头是不对的。It is not right for a man to bear down his neck to the oppressor always.

它们紧紧地抱住猎食者的腹部,单用牙齿和爪子将自己挂在那里。They cling to the belly of their oppressor and simply hang on with tooth and claw.

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所以,父亲是强权的象征,是儿子的压迫者和制裁者。So, father is a symbol of the power, and is the sons oppressor and sanction person.

谁是造反者?谁举起了武器?很少是奴隶,但是几乎总是由压迫者变成奴隶。Who Rebels? Who rises in arms? Rarely the slave, but almost always the oppressor turned slave.

中国现在一方面被描绘成非洲经济的有力竞争者同时也是压迫者。China is now variously portrayed either as an economic competitor in africa or as its oppressor.

殷商时期,“帝”的观念出现,它是自然力的化身,它被人意识为自身的对立面、压迫者。It was the avatar of natural power, which was regarded as contrary and oppressor by human being.

他必卫护百姓中的穷人,救助穷苦人的子孙,蹂躏欺压人的暴民。He will defend the cause of the poor, deliver the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor.

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暴动的农场家畜们逃离了它们的压迫者并建立起一个家畜乌托邦。Animal Farm. George Orwell. Mutinous farm animals run off their oppressor to establish a livestock utopia.

如果我们真的珍视我们新建立起来的自由,我们最不应该做的事就是成为一个压迫者,让其他人都沉默。If we truly value our new-found freedoms, the last thing we must do is become the oppressor and silence others.

对于维护民权而非钳制自由的强力政府,他们的想法更是乏善可陈。They had even fewer models of a strong government that became a "guardian" rather than an oppressor of liberty.

他必为民中的困苦人伸冤,拯救穷乏之辈,压碎那欺压人的。He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.

马克思主义与解放神学宗教谴责为支持现状和合法化的力量,压迫者。Marxism and liberation theology condemn religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor.

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我们会怀着强烈的愿望希望弥赛亚升为高拯救我们脱离苦难的时候,看到神的计划的实现。We all have such a fervent desire to see the fulfilment of God's plan when the Messiah is exalted and delivers us from the oppressor.

中国无法漠视利比亚那些被疯狂的压迫者和白痴镇压的人民,主要因为关心石油。China couldn't careless for the people of Libya that are being suppressed by a maniacal oppressor and an imbecile. It's main concern is oil.

索马里裔的·希尔西·阿里女士是受人尊敬的公共知识分子,她谴责伊斯兰教对自己的性压迫,并视其为其它许多悲剧的根源。Somali-born Ms Hirsi Ali is an admired public intellectual who denounced Islam as an oppressor of her sex and the source of many other woes.