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宏正自动科技是埃及为太阳。Aten is Egyptian for Sun.

杀光埃及的希腊人!Kill all the Egyptian Grecians !

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埃及法老头戴白色冠帽。The Egyptian pharaohs wore white crowns.

那里现在已是晚上,许多人高呼口号,挥舞着埃及国旗。Many chanted and waved the Egyptian flag.

因为决定权掌握在埃及人民的手中。It is up to the Egyptian people to decide.

埃及女王克娄巴特拉酷爱紫色。The Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved purple.

一个埃及走狗进入我们的房子问道。An Egyptian slave driver entered our house.

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魔芋是埃及的神与羊的头。Arum was an Egyptian god with a Ram's head.

埃及圣甲虫其实就是蜣螂。The Egyptian sacred scarab is a dung beetle.

埃及文化哺育了克里特和希腊。Egyptian culture inseminated Crete and Greece.

难道你要杀我,像杀那埃及人吗?“Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?"

它蔓延到了埃及民众的每一个部分。It drew on every segment of the Egyptian population.

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为何这古埃及男孩打扮成女孩的模样?Why was this ancient Egyptian boy dressed as a girl?

一个沉思的埃及人坐在埃及祖马寺庙的前面。A pensive Egyptian sits in front of the Luxor Temple.

在我看来那个阴森的埃及人似乎会使太阳都变得黯淡无光。That dark Egyptian seems to me to sadden the very sun.

那些被摒弃的旧神重新归位,埃及艺术又回到拘泥呆板的古典风格。Egyptian art returned to its classic, ritualized style.

埃及军管政府要求英国冻结其前官员资产。Cairo asks Britain to freeze Egyptian officials' assets.

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他看到一个埃及人打希伯来人,他的同族。He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his kinsmen.

埃德福神庙是埃及至今保存最完好的神庙。The best preserved temple of Egyptian antiquity in Edfu.

上面这幅照片显示出古埃及城市Tanis的全貌。The image above shows the ancient Egyptian city of Tanis.