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这取决于你如何利用你的资源。It depends on how you utilise your resource.

和你在会议上结识的人以及利用校友录。Contact people you met at conferences and utilise alumni networks.

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其他乐队将可能利用WebGL创造他们自己的体验了。Other bands will likely utilise WebGL to create their own experiences, too.

将粉碎的洋葱片和水混合,用混合物抹脸。Mix crushed onion slices with wdinedr and utilise the mixture to your f_ web.

我们必须共同努力促进和利用彼此的优势,”他说道。We must work together to promote and utilise each other's strengths, " he said.

海德拉很难完全发挥能力,但是一旦你成功了,就会很爽。The Hydras are hard to utilise fully, but when you succeed, it is very satisfying.

现在,巴士都是铜正在进行实验,利用其他材料。For now, buses are made of copper with experiments underway to utilise other materials.

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大部分大学运营成本很高,并没有合理的使用它们的建筑。Most universities are running at high costs and don't properly utilise their buildings.

我想申请在今天北京电视台1频道的广告中所提及的职位。英文。Having noticed the ad in today's BTV Channel 1! I wish to utilise for the position referred to.

米兰方才如梦初醒,认真对待比赛,使出浑身解数。It was a wake-up call for Milan who began to take the game seriously and utilise all their assets.

绿色街道措施利用城市街道的高差创造出“安全通行路段”与“洪水淹没区”。Green Streets utilise lowered street profiles to create a 'Safety Zone' and a 'Flood Pathway' corridor.

近来,从一些可利用卤化底物的细菌中分离出了新的去卤化酶。Recently, there are novel dehalogenases separated in various bacteria that utilise halogenated substrates.

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查什么书提供的食谱,你可以利用它们,以及如何保持自己的健康。Investigate what kind of recipes the book provides, and how you can utilise them to sustain your own health.

如果托收行未指定某一特定的提示行,代收行可自行选择提示行。If the remitting Bank does not nominate a specific presenting Bank, the collecting Bank may utilise a presenting Bank of its choice.

你会教一个良好的资格和经验的工作人员利用其研究谁的利益来支持他们的教师队伍。You will be taught by a team of well-qualified and experienced staff who utilise their research interests to support their teaching.

他们乘坐巨大的铜黄色的机器,利用大型旋转橙色晶体,大概是建立某种形式的磁悬浮。They fly in gigantic copper-coloured machines that utilise large rotating orange crystals, presumably creating some form of magnetic levitation.

主楼的布局采用了交叉式的重叠层面设计,允许了大量朝北的客厅及每个单元内的十字通风。The tower buildings also utilise a crossover design to provide almost all apartments with cross-ventilation and a northern-orientated living area.

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尽早一路向南,希望利用强风来速度前行,或者是尽量靠北行驶,向着重点线保持着更加直接的航线。你们会选择哪一个呢?Dive south early and hope to utilise the stronger winds or stay further north, keeping the more direct course to the finish line. Which will it be?

除了触觉清漆,Rexam公司的雀巢罐装利用独特的照片般的印刷技术,插图影响,增加货架吸引力。In addition to the tactile varnish, the Nestea cans utilise Rexam's unique photo-like printing technique, Illustration Impact, to increased shelf appeal.

不同的文化运用了不同的生活活动,地理限定与界定了生活活动的限制。在中国,可以看出四个主要文化组。Different cultures utilise different modes of life. Geography defines and sets modes of life's limits. In China 4 main groups of culture can be discerned.