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这小伙子干活真冲。That guy workd really vigorously.

他们猛烈地向敌人扑去。They fell on the enemy vigorously.

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我心里乐开了花。Flower vigorously open in my heart !

她使劲搓热她冰冷的双手。She chafed her cold hands vigorously.

运动正在蓬勃开展。The movement is developing vigorously.

这种牙膏洁齿清气。To work the jaws and teeth vigorously.

左翼文学运动的催化。The Left-wing literature grew vigorously.

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因为梦想,所以飞翔。我不能飞,但我可以健步如飞!I could not fly, but I can stride vigorously.

摇大力争取到的岩石玻璃。Shake vigorously and pour into a rocks glass.

大力发展循环经济。We will vigorously develop the circular economy.

大力发展职业教育。We will vigorously develop vocational education.

大力发展科学技术。We will vigorously develop science and technology.

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爱弥儿已经在那里开始割草了,他干得十分起劲。Emil had already begun work and was mowing vigorously.

那个店主极力向我拉生意。The tradesman was vigorously soliciting for my custom.

在注射前,这些白鼠搔痒的非常厉害。Before those injections, the mice scratched vigorously.

感谢志工团队对于五福国小的大力帮忙!Thanks will labor team regarding Wu Fu vigorously help!

他们开展了强有力的鼓动工作以争取妇女堕胎权。They vigorously agitated for women's right to abortion.

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他使劲抖动毯子以抖掉尘土。He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.

到了90年代,狄金森研究才蓬蓬勃勃地开展起来。In 90s, the study about her began to develop vigorously.

大力发展东北地区边境贸易。Vigorously develop border trade of the northeast region.