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她有修长的大腿。She has spidery long legs.

没人住在那个多蜘蛛的阁楼上。No one lives in that spidery attic.

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他的字迹太潦草很难辨认。His handwriting is too spidery to read.

书籍上,一只蜘蛛般的手伸向哈利。On the back cover spidery hands are outstretched towards Harry.

一晃,蛛儿到了十六岁了,已经成了个婀娜多姿的少女,长的十分漂亮,楚楚动人。Time lapse quickly and Lady Spidery was already sixteen years old. She was very beautiful and charming.

在那层由蛛网和暗影编织的面纱之下,掩盖着她蜘蛛般优雅而骇人的美貌。Her image, when visible without veils of cobwebs and shadow, is both a thing of beauty and spidery horror.

把范围放大一点来看,大致平行的窄裂缝将表面划分成一块一块。On an even finer scale, a spidery network of roughly parallel narrow cracks slices topographic forms into slabs.

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但蛛儿一点也不紧张和吃醋,因为她知道,这是佛主赐予她的姻缘。However, Lady Spidery was not nervous and jealous at all. She knew that it was her doomed marriage arranged by Buddha.

被新生恒星加热的炙热尘埃沿着细长的悬臂一直盘旋到星系中心。The hot dust, which is being heated by newborn stars, traces the spidery arms all the way to the center of the galaxy.

东端有些桌子设在隐蔽的凹室里,用蜘蛛网般的格子隔开,让人想起中式雕刻屏风。Some tables are set in secluded alcoves at the east end, framed by spidery latticework that evokes carved Chinese screens.

右边,有一架巨型吊车在向二号码头那边移动,蜘蛛腿一样长长的钢吊臂间悬着一枚SS-N-20型弹道导弹。To his right, a giant crane rolled down quay number two, an SS-N-20 ballistic rocket slung between its spidery steel legs.

古希腊人相信那是一位才女的手艺,因遭到一位爱嫉妒的女神的陷害而注定化为蜘蛛终日编织。The ancient Greeks believed they were the work of a gifted maiden doomed by a jealous goddess to weave forever in a spidery form.

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这种生物是一种伪蝎,属于小型蛛形纲,拥有像蜘蛛那样的腹部,蜘蛛那样的腿的和蝎子那样的钳子。The creature is a type of pseudoscorpion, tiny arachnids that have abdomens like spiders with eight spidery legs and claws like scorpions.

黑暗的蜘蛛巢穴里伸出来的一条蜘蛛腿会把哪怕最勇敢的野生动物爱好者吓得失声尖叫。The sight of incey wincey's legs poking out of a dark spidery lair can send even the toughest wildlife enthusiast screaming for the hills.

一些脸上、腿上带有黎族特有的细长图形青色文身的老年妇女用简单的踞织腰机织布,并向游客出售自己的作品。Elderly Li women with their people's distinctive spidery blue tattoos on their faces and legs weave garments on simple lap looms and offer them for sale.

拥有了全套的头脑风暴的工具与使用头脑风暴的结果,你面前已经有了写满术语的纸张,排列出的各种各种分主题,挂满术语的、与主题相关的蛛网,你现在需要做什么?Armed with a full quiver of brainstorming techniques and facing sheets of jotted ideas, bulleted subtopics, or spidery webs relating to your paper, what do you do now?

为了解决蜘蛛网格算法在图像漫游中局限性,提出了双灭点的松弛蜘蛛网格算法。A new approach for solving the spidery mesh limits in image based virtual touring , which uses a relaxing spidery mesh with two vanishing points, is proposed in this paper.

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该区域位于围绕我们所在的银河系旋转的一个卫星星系——大麦哲伦星云之中,其蛛网状的样子得来了这个人尽皆知的名字,蜘蛛星云。Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small satellite galaxy orbiting our Milky Way galaxy, the region's spidery appearance is responsible for its popular name, the Tarantula nebula.