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为什么它要转换?Why does it convert?

转换677英里以公里。Convert 677 miles to km.

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我正式皈依。I'm officially a convert.

批量转换视频格式。Batch convert video formats.

他使她改信基督教。He convert her to Christianity.

我们可以把它变成积分。We can convert them to integrals.

这样就可以把它转成到灰度级了。This will convert it to Grayscale.

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也是第一位改变信仰的白人会长。And the convert, Caucasian convert.

你们是怎样把铁炼成钢的?。How do you convert iron into steel?

把代码转换成纯文本的活动。To convert from code into plain text.

我将废物转变为财富,”他说。I convert waste into wealth," he says.

白天铺位折叠成座位。Berths convert to seats for daytime use.

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他被派去教化那些异教徒。He was sent out to convert the heathens.

石头也会解体,化为水浆。For stones dissolved to water do convert.

把一部书变换成计算机可读的形式。Convert a book into machine-readable form.

农民改变旧房子成为宾馆。Farmers convert old homes into guesthouses.

我们必须向这些值转换成弧度。We have to convert these values to radians.

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将所有结果转换为响应消息。Convert all results into a response message.

把下列各十进制换算成以8为基值的数。Convert the following denary numbers base 8.

对不信任者来说,眼见为实是唯一的方法Seeing Is the Only Way to Convert Unbelievers