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由于德彪西手稿的不精确性和他本人后来的修改变动,产生了不同出处的谱面差异。The imprecision and recompose of Debussy" s script resulted in enormous differences in provenance."

如果你想自动对焦至无限远,只要将相机对准月亮,自动对焦,然后重新调整稳定。If you wish to autofocus at infinity, just aim your camera at the moon, autofocus, then recompose accordingly.

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其中涉及的问题有“债转股”的法律问题、债务重组问题、债务执行问题、破产问题、整体出售问题、证券化问题。In this part, the article covers the recompose of the debts, the enforcement of the debts, the bankrupt and integer retail.

我经常使用这个功能,尤其是在拍摄婚礼时。I use this feature very often especially at weddings where you expose and lock the exposure then recompose and take the shot.

第三部分阐述了长春市产权转让与资产重组的现状及存在的问题。The third part analysis the present situation and problem or the property rights transfer and property recompose in Changchun.

这将超过重构为所有你可能在此过程中失去了你,你会很好的结果表示满意。It will more than recompose you for all that you may have lost in the process, and you will be well satisfied with the outcome.

2002年实施的民航大重组使得国内航空公司进行资源整合成为了当务之急。The recompose which put in practice in 2002 made the resource integration of the civil aviation enterprises become the urgent matter.

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提出提高技术含量、改进医疗收费系统、落实制度责任、审核流程重组、建立监督机制等对策。Finally the author put forward some countermeasures as improving technology contents, advance charge system, recompose auditing flow etc.

有色产业的资源重组和整合是湖南有色金属行业发展的必然趋势。It's an inevitable trend for the development of Hunan nonferrous metals industry to recompose and integrate the nonferrous industry resources.

JPPF接受多个任务,并将之分配到不同的节点执行,最后再将结果重组成合适的格式。JPPF is designed to take in a number of tasks, distribute their execution over the compute nodes, then recompose the results into the appropriate format.

闪光灯会预闪并把曝光值记忆下来,注意你只有16秒的时间重新构图拍摄。The speedlight will pre-flash that area and lock that exposure into memory. I might caution you that you have 16 seconds to then recompose and take the shot.

实验结果证明在解码率比较高的情况下,本文方案的图像重构效果较嵌入式零树算法好,无损情况下的压缩比也得到了提高。The result of experiments shows that the improved algorithm gets a better result in both the quality of recompose image and the compression ratio of lossless.

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要在适当的问题米,使用重点测光或浅米,读至M,在曝光的曝光拨号,交换机相机重新构图和拍摄现场。To meter on the appropriate subject, using spot metering or light meter, read the exposure, switch camera to M, dial in the exposure and recompose the scene and shoot.

然后你有大约16秒时间重新构图进行拍摄,闪光灯的曝光量将保持在锁定值,不会因重新构图后曝光量改变而破坏拍摄结果。You then have about 16 seconds to recompose and take the shot thereby guaranteeing the exposure you set and not have the camera reset a new exposure ruining your shot.

本文回顾了历史上使用过的风险度量方法,并指出了它们的局限性,同时本文提出了修改的构想和一个新的风险度量标准——综合风险偏差。This paper reviews the historical method of risk measure, point out their limitation, supply a way to recompose it and a new index of risk measure—synthesis risk deviation.

如果不想照片模糊不清,则需要先锁定焦点,使拍摄对象居中,然后重新组合照片,使拍摄对象不在中间。If you don't want a blurred picture, you'll need to first lock the focus with the subject in the middle and then recompose the picture so the subject is away from the middle.

第四部分在针对长春市国有资产基本状况与产权转让状况及存在问题,提出了长春市产权转让与资产重组的基本对策。The fourth part- advance the basic countermeasure to tile property rights aiming at the present situation and problem of the property rights transfer and property recompose in Changchun.