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天蓝依旧,岁月悠悠。Blue still, years leisurely.

鲁迅以一种悠闲的笔调进行写作。Lu Xun writes with a leisurely pace.

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他悠闲地往前走,一边唱着歌儿。He sang as he strolled leisurely along.

天空湛蓝,白云悠悠。A clear blue sky, white clouds leisurely.

牛羊骏马在这里怡然自得。Cattle, sheep and horses graze leisurely.

我们有足够的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。We have ample time for a leisurely lunch.

可以清清楚楚、从从容容的望着你。Can clearly, the leisurely looking at you.

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生活以一种悠闲的步调来享受感觉更好。Life is better enjoyed at a leisurely pace.

她不慌不忙地过了桥。She crossed the bridge at a leisurely pace.

它们闲游在太空,无牵无挂。Care free, they roam leisurely in the space.

悠悠精灵舞,一枕落花香。Leisurely elfin dance, a pillow fall flowers.

从容的让彼此走出彼此的世界。Let's go out or each-other's world leisurely.

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仰望蓝天,白云悠悠。Look at the blue sky, white clouds leisurely.

纳里·赫林沿着沙滩悠闲地走动。Nari Herring walked leisurely along the sand.

老班不紧不慢地说道。Said the old classes in the leisurely manner.

法国人善于悠闲地享受家庭餐。The French excel at the leisurely family meal.

五条龙游弋于云海之间,悠然自得。Five dragon swam in between, leisurely and sea.

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一去一来,交接处,是雪儿的悠闲。One to one, the junction is the leisurely Cher.

两条龙游弋于云海之间,悠然自得。The two dragons swam in between, leisurely and sea.

他们驾着小船在湖面上悠游。There were a few yachts sailing leisurely on the lake.