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它的意义就在这一体性内。Its meaning lies in oneness.

他是闪闪的同一性生命。He is illuminating the oneness of life.

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它是20,000个民众合并成的整体。It was a mob of 20, 000 united into oneness.

所以同一性可以促发利他行为。So oneness can promote altruistic behaviour.

你忘记了一体性是怎样的。You have forgotten what the Oneness is like.

开一的宇宙期待您狄罪降。The universe in Oneness awaits your ascension.

同一性涉及到内在联系的确认。Oneness refers to the idea of an interconnected identity.

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你可以享受夕阳,你知道的,保持那种人与自然的合一,you get to enjoy the sunset, you know, keep that oneness going,

这两首诗令我对无限的一体有更进一步的体认。These two poems help me to further comprehend limitless oneness.

环境权是公权和私权的统一。Environmental right is the oneness of public right and private right.

这是所有生命之全一与内在关联的巨大真相。There is a great truth of the oneness and interconnectedness of all of life.

史上最震惊世解说!无意识思想!全体人类覊困在里面!Never Explained Before! Unconscious mind, what and how Global Oneness Slavery.

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这种经历带来的合一是无法用语言解释。The oneness that comes out of that kind of experience just can’t be explained.

高师钢琴教学模式的转变呈现出从单一性走向整体性的趋势。Therefore, the teaching mode of piano takes on changing from oneness to wholeness.

最终,这会导向一种三昧的状态或者说与神合一。Ultimately, this may result in the state of Samadhi or oneness with the Divine Self.

玻姆从最一般的角度谈到精神与肉体的一体性。David Bohm wrote from the most general view about the oneness of the mind and the body.

在完成了所有这些工作后,一体性被扩展至更大的意识了。The Oneness is expanded, with greater consciousness from all the work that has been done.

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并且这是真实的,因为有一个伟大的融合精神遍及整个大一。And this is true, because there IS a great intermingling throughout the Oneness of Spirit.

藉着一个第一的单一性那四个地球的和天空,神和凡人-在一里面一起属于。By a primal oneness the four-earth and sky, divinities and mortals-belong together in one.

此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人,以便大家分享此一切一体的无我之爱。This email is Bcc to all on my list so all may share this selfless love of all in oneness.