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荒地粮田,蒙大拿州,1999。Badlands Grain Fields, Montana, 1999

气候变化意味着荒芜之地的增加。And climate change means the badlands are growing.

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以后条纹所在的居住荒地。Beyond the Fringes lie the uninhabitable Badlands.

该公园的荒地生长着56种不同的草。Fifty-six different grass species are found in Badlands.

和气候变化的手段是越来越多的荒地。And climate change means the badlands are growing. The U.

要想在这片荒地中生活是很困难的,但有些动物却在此生存,这就是著名的土拨鼠,这些小哺乳动物生活在相互联通的地下道中。Life in the Badlands is difficult. But animals do survive.

在南达科他州空旷的荒地国家公园里,摄取了眺望大风猛吹草原的这张照片。Taken from the Prairie Wind Overlook in Badlands National Park, South Dakota.

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一束束草心皮在位于南达科他的国家公园荒地里迎风起舞。Wisp grass seedpods sway in the wind in South Dakota's Badlands National Park.

在南达科他的一片荒地里,一只野牛形影相吊,头上的天宇蜡染般的漂亮。A lone bison pauses at sundown beneath the pastel sky of South Dakota's Badlands.

一个蛮荒的世界,到处是荒野、峭壁和贫瘠的植被。It is a savage world, filled with badlands and bluffs and hardscrabble vegetation.

它被称之为不毛之地的守护者,这张脸实际上是又一条峡谷侵蚀粘土而成。Dubbed the Badlands Guardian, the "face" is actually a valley eroded into the clay.

杰克再由华金,一个邪恶的人谁是药品的荒地守护者的俘虏。Jack is re-taken prisoner by Joaquin, an evil medicine man who is the Keeper of the Badlands.

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在这些男人看来,帕尔能够捍卫弱小,她这样的人在本德尔坎德区这块荒芜的地方实属罕见。To them, Pal is someone who can defend the weak, which, in the badlands of Bundelkhand, is rare indeed.

可以预计,当"真正的"本拉登仍然徘徊在巴基斯坦的荒山秃岭之间时,会有无数的关于另一个本拉登被杀死的报导。Expect endless claims that a bin Laden double was killed while the real McCoy still haunts Pakistan’s badlands.

荒地覆盖面积总共一万五千平方公里,大约十分之一是国家公园。All together, the Badlands cover more than fifteen thousand square kilometers. About ten percent is national parkland.

但是在南达科塔地区的风洞国家公园和恶地国家公园,你还能够看到一些旧草原,水牛仍然在自由的生活。But at Wind Cave National Park and Badlands National Park in South Dakota you can see areas of the old grassland where buffalo still roam freely.

航道蜿蜒穿过毗邻的雅致西部,到达荒凉的伦敦东部,甚至还采纳了高架渠来与罗马人建造的如此结构相匹敌。Navigation winds through neighbourhoods genteel in the west, to the east London badlands , even taking in aqueducts to rival those built by the Romans.

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那个区还正处开发阶段,近些年吸引了很多艺术家,不过靠近费城北部荒地,治安不稳定。It's a developing area of the city that's been attracting artists and galleries for the last few years, but still lies precariously close to the badlands of North Philly.

当时16岁的Lyson于1999年在北达科他州地狱溪地层荒地化石狩猎时候,他第一次从山上发现了恐龙的骨突。Then-16-year-old Lyson was fossil-hunting in 1999 in the Hell Creek Formation badlands of North Dakota when he first spotted the dinosaur's bone-like protrusion from a hill.

2021年,一名卡车司机开车经过南达科塔州时看到20年前坍塌的世贸中心双子塔楼浮现在一片可怕的不毛之地上。A lorry driver driving through South Dakota in 2021 sees the World Trade Center's twin towers that fell two decades earlier looming up against the "forbidding Badlands horizon".