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人们过分依赖抗酸剂。Too much reliance is placed on antacids.

因为在团队内部,信赖即是根本。In a team, reliance on others is essential.

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我们不依赖法律学识。And we placed no reliance on legal scholarship.

长期依赖安眠药来助眠是危险的。Long-term reliance on sleeping pills is dangerous.

只有证悟解脱,才是究竟的依靠。Only realizing enlightenment is the ultimate reliance.

他的诺言不甚可靠。There is little reliance to be placed on his promises.

不过,我们可以减少对随机性结果的依赖程度。Still, we can reduce our reliance on stochastic outcomes.

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在第五次围剿中,他就完全依赖这个了。In the Fifth campaign he placed his entire reliance upon it.

安巴尼目前经营印度第二大公司——信实工业。Mr Ambani runs Reliance Industries, India's second-largest firm.

而希腊人,越来越侧重于依赖推理Instead, increasingly, the Greeks focused on a reliance on reason.

新鲜食材加上橄榄油似乎是关键所在。Fresh ingredients and a reliance on olive oil seem to do the trick.

但是向更多依赖内需拉动经济的转变并不容易。But shifting toward a greater reliance on domestic demand is not easy.

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如若依赖此处提供的信息,你将承担所有的风险。Reliance on any information provided herein is solely at your own risk.

消费者应该消除他们对伪冒商品的严重依赖。Consumers should eliminate their heavy reliance on counterfeit products.

迷信基于错误假设的模型显然会产生巨大的负面影响。Reliance on models based on incorrect axioms has clear and large effects.

这些车辆使得空气污染一日胜过一日。The city's reliance on cars and trucks leaves its air with few reprieves.

迪卢柏逝世之时,雷莱恩斯企业集团已经成为印度最大的企业之一。By the time Dhirubhai died, Reliance was one of India's biggest companies.

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一种依靠关系,通常是基于过去的经历而建立。Trust – An assumed relationship of reliance usually based on past experience.

减少我们对进口能源的依赖无疑能使得国家更加安全。Reducing our reliance on foreign sources of energy makes the country more secure.

患难时倚靠不忠诚的人,好像破坏的牙,错骨缝的脚。Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble.