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马耳塔是做什么工作的?。What does Martha do?

“好吧,”玛莎说。“Alright, ” Martha said.

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马耳塔是彼特的女朋友。Martha is Peter's friend.

马莎很生他的气。Martha was very angry with him.

玛莎建议他们停下来帮助他。Martha suggested they stop to help him.

还记得耶稣的朋友,马利亚和马大吗?Remember Jesus' friends, Mary and Martha?

斯达姆和玛莎答应了,于是就坐上了飞机。Stumpy and Martha agreed and up they went.

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玛莎拿出一件中国旗袍展示给我们看。Martha held out a cheongsam for us to look.

马沙将扮演茱丽叶的角色。Martha is going to play the role of Juliet.

这就是为什么马大会因此心烦意乱了。This explains why Martha was upset with her.

耶稣素来爱马大,和她妹子,并拉撒路。Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.

马莎在哥伦比亚学习遗传工程。Martha studies genetic engineering at Columbia.

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玛萨是位非常慈祥的母亲和祖母。Martha was a very loving mother and grandmother.

安西娅要马莎把午饭拿到外边那里去。Anthea asked Martha to bring their lunch out there.

玛莎罗斯勒-众议院,街,厨房。Martha Rosler – the House, the Street, the Kitchen.

换句话说,“Martha阿姨下葬后会如何?“In other words,"Where is Aunt Martha at the funeral?"

“你真幸运!”他兴高采烈地和马莎打招呼。Lucky for you! He greeted Martha with boisterous glee.

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宝莲和他离婚结婚记者玛莎盖尔霍恩。He divorced Pauline and married reporter Martha Gellhorn.

玛莎以原价三分之一的钱买了一套衣服。Martha bought a suit for one-third off the regular price.

玛莎就是格雷汉姆夫人,而亨利是她老公——格雷汉姆医生。Martha was Mrs. Graham and Henry her husband, Dr. Graham.