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细雨梦回鸡塞远,小楼吹彻玉笙寒。After night chicken Cypriot far outside his small Yusheng cold.

土耳其裔塞浦路斯领导人塔拉特的助手纳米也表示欢欣鼓舞。Ozdil Nami the aide to Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat was also upbeat.

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希腊籍塞浦路斯经济比较繁荣,但易受内部冲突影响。The Greek Cypriot economy is prosperous but highly susceptible to external shocks.

他的家人昨晚说,如果当时他带了塞浦路斯护照那或许会逃过一死。He might have escaped death if he had been carrying his Cypriot passport, family members said last night.

有一天,塞翁家的马不知什么原因,在放牧时竟迷了路,回不来了。One day, the Cypriot Weng Jia Ma unknown reasons, the fans even when the grazing Road, will never return.

土耳其籍塞浦路斯人口占五分之一,占南方GDP的三分之一。The Turkish Cypriot economy has about one-fifth the population and one-third the per capita GDP of the south.

多胞胎的记录是在1996年,一个希腊塞浦路斯的23岁女孩怀上了11胞胎。The record for multiple pregnancies was set in 1996, when a 23-year-old Greek Cypriot woman was pregnant with 11 babies.

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1836年,也就是在她20岁时,她大着胆子把自己的几首短诗寄给当时的桂冠诗人骚塞。In 1836, that is, in her 20-year-old, timid with her own in the first few ditty was sent to the Sao Cypriot poet laureate.

布什总统呼吁埃尔奥卢,以确认所有已经与前土耳其族领导人塔拉特同意。The president called on Eroglu to confirm all that has already been agreed with former Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat.

潘基文说,自从今年一月的会谈以来,塞浦路斯希腊族和土耳其族人的谈判,一直稳定进展。He says negotiators from the Greek and Turkish Cypriot sides have worked steadily to move ahead since the last meeting in January.

1960年从大英帝国独立后,占多数的希腊裔塞浦路斯人与占少数的土耳其裔塞浦路斯人之间的压力持续加大。Tensions between the Greek Cypriot majority and the Turkish Cypriot minority had been high since independence from Britain in 1960.

而塞翁的儿子因为是个跛腿,免服兵役,所以他们父子得以避免了这场生离死别的灾难。The Cypriot Weng's son because it is a lame leg, non-military service, so they can avoid this father and son Shengchisibie disaster.

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塞国家航空公司说,它仍然有能力提供包机旅游的三个主办单位,以及其他人。The Cypriot national carrier said it is still in a position to offer charter flights to the three tour organizers, as well as others.

埃尔多安表示,土耳其政府正在与塞浦路斯土耳其族推进此事,相关勘探工作将在本周内展开。Erdogan said Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot government is promoting this, the relevant exploration work will commence within the week.

位于北部的土族塞人和住在南部的希族塞人从去年后期就参与到了联合国领导的全面谈判中。The Turkish Cypriot north and the Greek Cypriot south have been engaged in U. N. -led comprehensive negotiations since late last year.

塞浦路斯外长基普里亚努马科斯,谁是来访的西班牙,上周五会见了他的西班牙对手特立尼达希门尼斯。Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs Marcos Kyprianou, who is visiting Spain, met on Friday with his Spanish counterpart Trinidad Jimenez.

塞始终奉行一个中国政策,致力于促进欧中关系。Cyprus has always adhered to the one-China policy and been devoted to promoting China-Europe relations, the Cypriot foreign minister said.

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这是从去年11月以来,塞浦路斯希腊族和土耳其族居民的领导人进行的第三次以失败收场的会议。This is the third time since November the Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders have met to try to resolve this decades-old problem without success.

土族人,或是说至少是82,000的持有塞浦路斯身份证的土族人会到条件略好的南方购物,接收免费医疗。Turkish- Cypriots themselves—or at least the 82,000 or so who hold Cypriot ID cards—come to the richer south for shopping and free medical care.

艾洛格鲁对长久的塞浦路斯问题的解决方法包括独立的希腊和土耳其塞浦路斯国,由松散的联盟纽带联系在一起。The Eroglu's solution to the long-standing Cyprus problem would involve separate Greek and Turkish Cypriot states, linked by loose confederal ties.