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端口扫描攻击。Port scanning attack.

协助在MGH进行扫描。Assist with Scanning at MGH.

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可移动式的核磁共振脑扫描成像Brain Scanning In A Mobile MRI

不断审视和检讨自己。Keep on scanning and self-criticism.

高速读取效率领先市面众家产品!High speed scanning rate leads the market.

扫描线反转、停顿、跳跃。The scanning line reverses, pauses, skips.

基本掌握利用跳读技巧获取信息的能力。To basically master the method of scanning.

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预定和按需扫描硬盘驱动器。Scheduled and on-demand hard drive scanning.

在MGH进行扫描,并研究扫描过程。Scan at MGH. Learn about the scanning process.

不只是关掉你的扫描机。Do not simply switch off your scanning machine.

按下此键可开始复印或扫描工作。Press this button to start copying or scanning.

垂体CT为冠状位增强扫描。The pituitary CT was coronal strengthen scanning.

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她检视了一下单子,答道,单簧管可以。Scanning her list, she replied, Clarinets are okay.

提出了一种新型的二维扫描式水下电视系统。A new 2-D scanning underwater TV system is proposed.

雷达屏幕上有时没有扫描线。There is sometimes no scanning line on radar screen.

并且在欧洲只扫描那些已经过了版权保护期的作品。It is only scanning out-of-copyright works in Europe.

没有鹗鸟沿著湖岸寻找,搜寻鱼类。No ospreys quest along the shoreline, scanning for fish.

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工具箱将会报告说它正在扫描这个项目。The toolkit will report that it is scanning the project.

建立刺激。在MGH协助扫描被试。Create Stimuli. Assist with Scanning Participants at MGH.

扫描聚集索引,可以扫描全部内容,也可以只扫描一个范围。Scanning a non-clustered index, entirely or only a range.