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这龙头拧不动。This tap won't turn.

请关上水龙草头。Please close the tap.

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水龙头关不上了。Then turn off the tap.

这个水龙头容易转动。This tap turns easily.

这龙头关不上。The tap won't turn off.

你们家的水太硬。Your tap water is too hard.

洗澡盆的水龙头漏水。The bath bub tap is leaking.

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他们听见悄悄的拍门声。They heard a tap at the door.

热水从龙头中流出.Hot water flowed from the tap.

桶上的塞子很脏。The tap on the cask was dirty.

米饭里的砂粒硌痛了牙。The tooth hurts when I tap it.

有人在轻叩窗户。There was a tap on the window.

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彼此面对,轻拍桌子。Face each other. Tap the table.

只要触击屏幕就能开火了。Just tap on the screen to fire.

那个女孩正在关水龙头。The gril is turning off the tap.

自来水哗哗地流。The water gushed out of the tap.

我们应该开发自然资源。We should tap natural resources.

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愉快的风,轻敲我的心窗。Elated wind, tap my heart window.

全皮分裂唯一的自来水鞋。Full leather split sole tap shoe.

你开始不耐烦地踢着脚。You're starting to tap your feet.