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很多真菌具有不完全隔膜。Many fungi have incomplete septa.

蘑菇、蕈与白霉都是菌类植物。Mushrooms, toadstools and mildew are all fungi.

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蕨类植物、苔藓和真菌通过孢子传播蔓生。Ferns, mosses and fungi spread by means of spores.

真菌学清除率也维持在较高水平。The clearance rate of fungi is comparatively high.

这些被称为腐菌或分解纤维素的真菌。Those are called decay fungi or cellulolytic fungi.

这些病原体包括了病毒、细菌和真菌。These pathogens can include viruses, bacteria and fungi.

那些真菌和细菌和人类都是高度演化的。Those fungi and bacteria are as highly evolved as humans.

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毕竟,这些单细胞的真菌并不会生成血管。After all, these single-cell fungi don’t make blood vessels.

锈菌目的一种寄生担子菌。Rusts Parasitic basidiomycete fungi of the order Uredinales.

因此,常规进行真菌的体外药敏试验是非常必要的。So it is necessary to do fungi susceptibility test in vitro.

昆虫病原真菌在生物防治中有重要作用。Entomopathogenic fungi play an important role in bio-control.

列出菌蕈植物的五大类,并各举一例。Give the names of five classes of fungi and examples of each.

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但是你忘记了荫凉会导致真菌的生长。But you forget that the shadow allows the growth of the fungi.

因此,本文对致病真菌凋亡通路做一综述。This paper reviews the apoptotic pathways of Pathogenic fungi.

黑梗霉是一种叫做腐生植物的孢子囊真菌。Bread mold is a type of sporangium fungi known as a saprophyte.

蚯蚓可能是散布真菌及细菌的工具。Earthworms may be instrumental in dispersing fungi or bacteria.

在陆地上,生物发光仅见于少数菌类和昆虫身上。On land, it is seen only in a few species of fungi and insects.

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这些真菌在它们的横壁中是具简单孔的横隔膜的。These fungi are septate with simple pores in their cross-walls.

排斥现象除担子菌外也曾由其它真菌证实过。Aversion phenomena are shown by fungi other than basidiomycetes.

真菌数量大、种类多、分布广。Fungi are magnanimous, many species and ubiquitous distribution.