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我是大力牛,踏实讲信用。I am MACHO OX, solid and trusty.

这儿,是我的手,我信赖的朋友。And here's a hand, my trusty fiere.

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你是否认为我是一个忠实可靠的人?Do you think I am trusty and faithful?

曼特新能源,您最值得信任的伙伴!Mante new energy, your trusty partner !

我仍然喜欢可靠的纸和笔。I’m still fond of the trusty pen and paper.

你甚至可以试试古老而值得信任的流程图。You might even try the trusty old flow chart.

这种笔要远远比我信任的笔记本重要。This pen is more important than my trusty notebook.

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想给你那柄古老而又可靠的剑找点调剂品吗?Looking for something to spice up the old, trusty sword?

所以,那天晚上,我用值得信赖的荷兰铸铁烤箱制造奶酪。So that night I made it in my trusty cast-iron Dutch oven.

现在我怀疑没有我的自行车如何去别的地方。Now I wonder how I ever got anywhere without my trusty bike.

只是可能没有一套橡胶膜制成的蝙蝠侠衣服,也没有一个可靠的管家。There may not be a rubber-nipple-equipped Batsuit, nor a trusty butler.

我们的英雄决定要与这条恶龙决一死战!Taking his trusty harpoon and seedgun, our hero decides to take on the dragon!

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他看见那十只狮子,便放箭,把那十只狮子杀死了。He saw those ten lions, and using his trusty arrows, caused the ten lions to die.

约翰逊和他信赖的同伴就像在一个半空的舞台前作秀。He and his trusty sidekicks were putting on a show in front of a half-empty arena.

穿着厚厚的雪裤带着手套,雪又伤不着你。The snow couldn't hurt you because you we wearing your trusty snowpants and mittens.

我用可靠的1950年福特8n拖拉机的前端装载机拿出引擎小康顶端。I used my trusty 1950 Ford 8N tractor's front end loader to pluck the engine off the top.

用我最信赖的杀虫剂杀它们!这样它们才会知道谁才是这里的真正主人!I'll spray them with my trusty insect spray, so they'll know who's boss around this place!

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星期一时,西尔莎•罗南进入手术室,还抱着她的“紫金刚”,“紫金刚”是她值得信赖的毛绒动物。On Monday, Saoirse went into the operating room clutching Grape Ape, her trusty stuffed animal.

在那本可以信赖的笔记本或是Oprah网络日记本中,列出你还记得小时候喜欢的东西。In your trusty notebook or Oprah Journal, begin listing things you remember enjoying as a child.

他歪着头,肩膀前倾,拄着拐杖,步伐不紧不慢。With head tilted and shoulders bent forward, he leaned on his trusty cane with each unhurried step.