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检测是编码标准的补充。Supplementary to coding standards is inspection.

它需要某种额外的辅助材料。It needs something else, a supplementary material.

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普通法有一个补充的制度,就是衡平法。There is a supplementary system of law called equity.

提供锌的理想途径是通过副食品。The ideal way to provide it is through supplementary food.

他说,他们还将需要得到食品和柴禾的补给。He says they also will need supplementary food and firewood.

这是对SDJ型配电容电流测试仪使用方法的补充。It may be used as a supplementary application for SDJ tester.

你最想一间粥店追加以下哪一类食物作为辅助性产品?。Which supplementary food do you want a congee restaurant to add?

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妊娠和授乳中的妇女应该服用额外的维生素A。Pregnant and nursing women should be given supplementary vitamin A.

为了让我们放心,郭晓勇在合同的最后加了一个附则。To let us worry, Yellow in the final contract plus a supplementary.

亦可用于肿瘤性疾病的辅助治疗。It can also be used as the supplementary treatment of rumor diseases.

第五章——对行政附带民事诉讼的否定性思考。Fifth chapter to administrative supplementary civil action denial ponder.

它集成了地震应急工作的全过程辅助功能。It has the supplementary function in the process of earthquake emergency.

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然而,生活中的我还履行著另外一套附加的法则,即经验法则。But in everyday things I live by the light of a supplementary set of laws.

如要求,可以影印,复印或插入补充页数。Supplementary pages may be photocopied or copied and inserted if required.

附属卡申请人须为年满16岁之香港居民。Supplementary Card applicant must be a Hong Kong resident aged 16 or above.

每个主卡账户最多可获批核3张附属卡。A maximum of 3 supplementary cards are permitted per principal card account.

文中最后列举了两个具体例子,并对细节作了补充解释。The paper ends with two practical examples with supplementary explainations.

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小拉链口袋顶部包含织带补充袋附件带。Small zip top pocket contains webbing strap for supplementary bag attachment.

此部份只供东亚银行信用卡主卡或附属卡持卡人填写。This section is to be completed by BEA principal or supplementary cardholder.

本合同生效后,未尽事项,三方可以另行签订补充协议。For further matters, the three parties may enter into supplementary agreements.