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毛玻璃是半透明的。Frosted glass is translucent.

田野里全都结了霜。The fields have frosted over.

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寒冷使窗子结了霜。The cold has frosted the windows.

窗玻璃上在夜间结了一层冰。The windows had frosted over in the night.

他已经拒绝了惠特,而为菲斯克多麦片做代言He's passing up Wheaties for Frosted Flakes.

让话语和呼吸一起冰凝在胸中。Now my words, are frosted with every breath ?

乳液和须后火包装瓶为磨砂玻璃。Emulsion and frosted glass bottles to aftershave.

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一夜间汽车的挡风玻璃上盖了一层霜。The car windscreen frosted over during the night.

气温下降冻坏了番茄苗。The drop in temperature frosted the tomato plants.

我们结婚后,将生活与雨夹雪磨砂蛋糕。We will live upon wedding-cake frosted with sleet.

窗户上结了霜,我们看不见窗外的东西。The windows have frosted over and we can't see out.

被忽视方面,如“被霜或雪掩盖的”。Blanked attributes like "frosted or snowed covered".

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磨砂的载玻片经喷砂处理以标记标本。Frosted slides are sandblasted for marking specimens.

磨砂的载玻片在一面的一端经过喷砂处理。Frosted slides are sandblasted on one end of one side.

我们走过洒满灯光的霜雪覆盖的松林大地。We walked on frosted fields of juniper and lamp light.

芦苇初生青青,白色露水凝结为霜。The reed is exhuberant frosted with the crystal white dew.

玉米经霜发黄了,就割下来捆成堆。When the corn is browned and frosted it is cut and shocked.

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已经有过多少个叶落霜寒的季节?How many leaves already had to become frosted the cold season?

昨天晚上很冷,窗户都结霜了。After severe cold of last night, the windows were frosted over.

双磨砂面在双面的一端经过喷砂处理。Double frosted slides are sandblasted on one end of both sides.