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吃早餐。Eat breakfast.

我喜欢吃早餐。I liked breakfast.

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我从来不吃早餐。I never eat breakfast.

一起吃早餐.Eat breakfast together.

我们吃早餐吧?Shall we have breakfast?

你吃早饭了吗?Have you eaten breakfast?

早餐时间到了吗?Is it time for breakfast?

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吃一个三明治早餐。Have a breakfast sandwich.

嗨,早饭怎么样?Hey, what about breakfast?

请问早餐时间?What is the breakfast time?

每日酒店早餐1份。Daily breakfast at hotel x1.

所以,吃一个国王式的早餐吧。Eat a big breakfast instead.

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早餐时间到了又过去了。Breakfast time came and went.

请问有早餐劵吗?Do you have breakfast coupon?

他狼吞虎咽地吃早饭。He wolfed down his breakfast.

今天也没吃早饭。I didn't eat breakfast today.

好吃好吃,我爱早饭。Yami yami , I love breakfast.

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我早餐喜欢吃粥。I like porridge for breakfast.

早餐还是午餐?Lesson 002 Breakfast or lunch?

那是我最喜爱的早餐。That's my favourite breakfast.