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傻瓜式的,是啊,但是也很新颖。Goofy, yes. But also ingenious.

我有了解决这个问题的妙方。I got an ingenious solution to the problem.

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笛卡尔想出了一个天才的计划。Descartes comes up with an ingenious program.

这个新的歌剧院的设计真的是很有创意。The design of the new opera house is ingenious.

全部是依靠机械力,但有些是很有创意的。All clockwork, but some of them are quite ingenious.

巧妙的平顶活塞设计,动力更强劲。Ingenious flat-top piston gives the engine stronger power.

我从来没有听见过象你这样有独创性的提法。I never heard anything more ingenious than your suggestion.

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幸亏他的儿子继承了父亲机灵的思维。Fortunately, his son inherited the father's' ingenious mind.

蜘蛛网对蜘蛛来说不仅仅是家,它们还是奇妙的引虫入网的陷阱。Spider webs are more than homes, and they are ingenious traps.

但是来访者都被它独创性的建筑风格和奇异的布局所吸引。Vistors are struck by its ingenious architecture and exotic layout.

可是来访者都被它初创性的修建风格和奇特的结构所吸引。Vistors are struck by its ingenious architecture and exotic layout.

一下子解决许多冗繁的问题是非常聪明和明智的。It is an ingenious stab at solving several nagging problems at once.

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那位有独创性的人首次接受这个具权威性的奖。The ingenious man received the prestigeous award for the first time.

他很聪明,他的有独创性的关于电离气的论文被赞扬。He was brilliant, acclaimed for an ingenious thesis on ionized gases.

这个由旧锡罐和一些电线做成的陷阱是一个天才之作。The trap made of an old tin can and some wire is an ingenious device.

这个精细的人体器官模型吸引了学生们的注意力。This ingenious model of human organs captured the students' attention.

我怀疑把上的印纹不会持久,否则就太精致了。I doubt the markings would last for very long. Otherwise quite ingenious.

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想要做万无一失的设想是不可能的,因为蠢蛋都太天才了,先知只会弄巧成拙。It's impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

这一发现巧妙地结合了数学和观察学。This was an ingenious piece of work combining mathematics and observation.

在一张普通的纸上,经过细腻,精巧的剪切,可以产生各种各样的图案。A common paper after ingenious cutting can change into any form of pattern.