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她猛拉了一下绳子。She gave the rope a yank.

这倒是真的“激励”到了我——我把手赶紧抽了回来。Which motivates me to yank my hand back.

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对白头发要见一根,拔一根。Whenever you notice a gray hair, yank it out.

别用力拉绳,孩子们,它可能会断的。Don't yank at the rope. Children, it might break.

年龄稍小一点的用滑轮将岩石一筐一筐的拉出来。Younger teens then yank the rocks up with a pulley.

夜晚对约翰尼·瑞博和比利·杨克们*来说,是最好的时光。Night was the best time for johnny reb and billy yank.

他双拳紧握,可她也没再拽扯。Her fist did not loosen, but neither did she yank again.

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你还记得那些需要你把天线猛拽出来的手机吗?And remember those phones with the antennas you had to yank out?

楼座上那位,就是支持取出那些器官的,为什么这么做?Speak up in the balcony, you who would yank out the organs. Why?

这也是为什么,摘取健康人的器官是错的。And that's why it's wrong to yank the organs from that healthy patient.

今天早上我亲眼看到警察把那个小偷抓进去了。I saw with my own eyes the police yank the thief in early this morning.

每次,我把洗好的衣物挂在晾衣绳上,它就会猛地把衣物都扯下来。Every time I hung my wash out on the clothesline, she would yank it dawn.

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每次,我把洗好的衣物挂在晾衣绳上,它就会猛的把衣物都扯下来。Every time I hung my wash out on the clothesline, she would yank it down.

我们可以在他走掉的时候拉走他的护照,然后拒绝他重返美国吗?Can we yank his passport while he's gone and refuse him readmission to the US?

我们并不觉得“加拿大佬”是个侮辱性的字眼,不想你们对“美国佬”那么敏感。We do not find the term "Canuck" derogatory, like Americans find "Yank" derogatory.

阿尔瓦坐在床垫上要做这形态,尝试攀拉他的足踝置于大腿上。Alvah was sitting on the mattress trying to yank his ankles over his thighs to do it.

然而,在下以为,团体凝聚力之于南北军官兵重要程度,一如之于二战大兵。But I think unit cohesion was as important to Billy Yank and Johnny Reb as to the GIs.

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很多人似乎在焦急地猛拉航船的操纵杆,但事实上这艘经济巨轮却被他们拉着继续向南。Indeed, many seem anxious to yank on the tiller and drag the economy farther south still.

我醒来了以后,就看到了我那个“拔你的腿毛真TMD好玩啊”的16岁弟弟。Upon waking up my 16-year old brother thought it would be hilarious to yank out my leg hairs.

扬克招集了一些黑人商人,出资赞助乔参加职业拳赛,乔连胜四场。Yank lined up some black businessmen to sponsor joe as a professional boxer, and he won four fights.