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破坏了的城堡的一部份。Part of the destructed Schloss.

这就是著名的海伦基姆宫。It is the famous Schloss Herrenchiemsee.

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在这里,他密切合作瓦尔特城堡。Here, he worked closely with Walter Schloss.

第一个案例是华特·史洛斯。The first example is that of Walter Schloss.

你有去过德国的天鹅堡吗?。Have you been to Schloss Neuschwanstein in Germany?

另一个雕塑,座落在海德堡有名的城堡下方。Another statue, right at the bottom of the famous Heidelberg Schloss.

城堡内部的一个小广场。在这里的周围有很多博物馆。A wide place inside the Schloss . There are many museums around this place.

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舒劳斯旅馆与几条堤坝走向相同,与它并排的那一段,水流湍急。There are dikes abreast the Schloss Hotel, and the current is violently swift at' that point.

这种草自身是一种可再生能源,收获的芒草被送往燃烧生质发电厂,其发电量可供城堡使用整整一年。Burned in a biomass power plant, the harvested grass supplies the energy needs of the Schloss complex for a whole year.

最有名的是在这些内饰夏洛滕堡在柏林,弗里德里希的伟大纪念碑巴洛克味道。The most celebrated of these interiors was at Schloss Charlottenburg in Berlin, Friedrich's great monument to baroque taste.

从市中心乘火车去这座18世纪为卡尔·特奥多尔建造的本拉特皇宫只需半小时。皇宫内宁静的花园适宜于漫步或野餐。Theodor in the 18th century, Schloss Ben rath is a half hour train ride from the city centre and its peaceful gardens are perfect for a lazy stroll or picnic.

虽然对颜色的喜好有规律可循,但是个人对颜色的喜好依然存在很大差异。施洛斯和她的同伴史蒂芬·帕尔默想知道产生这种差异的原因。Despite those general trends, there are wide-ranging differences among individuals about which colors they like. Schloss and colleague Stephen Palmer wanted to know why.