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费用是一大问题。Cost is one issue.

纠缠这个问题。Entangle this issue.

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发布媒体报告。Issue media advisories.

这是现在的热门话韪。It's the hot issue now.

请教炒股票问题?Consult fry share issue?

不要使问题复杂化了。Don't perplex the issue.

这都不能算是个问题That's not even an issue.

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对此唯一的问题是什么?The only issue with this?

这是它1922年的一期刊物。This is an issue of 1922.

遇到了一个响应时间问题?Got a response-time issue?

这里有个初始问题。There is an initial issue.

这是一个国家元首的问题。It's a head of state issue.

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该问题于党分裂。This issue split the party.

但它取决于问题本身。But it depends on the issue.

我明白什么问题了。Yeah I understand the issue.

这是一个道德问题吗?And is this an ethical issue?

另一个问题是人才流失。Another issue is brain drain.

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别在所有问题上都持骑墙态度呀。Don't straddle on every issue.

不过这些扯淡的事都入不了我的眼。For me it's not even an issue.

这是问题的症结所在。That is the crux of the issue.