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哭的弄糟其心。The bumble cried its heart out.

老人踉跄地沿途遛跶。The old man bumble along the road.

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澄色百合花对著小蜜蜂仙蒂微笑著。The lily smiled at Shandie the bumble bee.

班布尔先生又咳嗽一声,微微一笑。Mr. bumble coughed again, and slightly smiled.

小紫菊花儿们不断的向小蜜蜂仙蒂招手!The little flowers waved at Shandie the bumble bee.

“我明天可以把她带到这儿来见您。”班布尔先生说。I can bring her to meet you tomorrow, 'said Mr Bumble.

‘这简直是要我难堪’。I thought to myself, ‘This is really going to bumble me’.

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小蜜蜂仙蒂快乐地飞到小紫花丛里和小紫菊花们打招呼!Shandie the bumble bee flew over to say hi to purple daisy flowers.

汽车缓缓地在花岗岩和鹅卵石的路面上行驶。Cars bumble unhurriedly over precision-trimmed granite cobblestones.

我可以围着地理什么的天马行空地说一大通,但却是一番空谈I could bumble around about geography and this and that, but nothing.

后来她用私房钱账户里的钱买了一块口香糖。Later that month she used her play money to buy a piece of bumble gum.

微孢子虫是一种蜂类病原体,它也困扰欧洲的大黄蜂。Nosema bombi is a bee pathogen that has also afflicted European bumble bees.

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班布尔先生咳嗽了一声。“是什么?”他问道,并饶有兴趣地看着瓶子。Mr Bumble coughed. 'What is it?' he asked, looking at the bottle with interest.

一天,班布尔先生在济贫院外面遇见了当地的棺材店老板索尔贝里先生。One day Mr Bumble met the local undertaker , Mr Sowerberry, outside the workhouse.

我们独自努力摸索着,但是不知道怎么了幸福还是在躲避着我们。We struggle and bumble our way along, but somehow happiness continues to elude us.

小蜜蜂仙蒂用她的小鼻子用力的闻著小紫菊花们。Snandie the bumble bee put her nose in the flower and sniffed. They smelled so good!

调查表明,在该地区的黄蜂数量没有明显减少的迹象。Surveys have shown no clear evidence of a decline in bumble bee numbers in the region.

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她看见走进来的人是班布尔先生,紧皱的眉头顿时变成了甜甜的微笑。The frown, however, was quickly changed to a sweet smile when she saw Mr Bumble enter.

别用你的木棍碰它。那是一个马蜂窝。从梯子上下来。快点。Don't touch it with your stick. It's a bumble bees' hive. Get down the ladder. Be quick.

糖和花粉对熊蜂的生长发育和繁殖起重要作用。Sugar and pollen play an important role in the development and reproduction of bumble bees.