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然而,她是一个改革派吗?But is she a reformer?

他是不屈不挠的改革者的典型。He typifies the uncompromising reformer.

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准确地说,他是一位渐进的改革者。To be exact, he is a gradualist reformer.

他称得起一位伟大的改革家。He deserves to be called a great reformer.

那位政治家曾是著名的社会改革家。The politician was a famous social reformer.

她父亲是教育家兼社会改革家。Her father was an educator and social reformer.

王安石是北宋著名的改革家。Wang Anshi is a famous reformer in the Song Dynasty.

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中国最著名的作家是一名改革派还是一位护教者?Is China's most eminent writer a reformer or an apologist?

俄罗斯前总统叶利钦去世,享年76岁。Russia reformer and former president Boris Yeltsin dies at 76.

据说她是一个改革者,而且坦诚得毫不设防。She has the reputation of a reformer and is disarmingly frank.

在官方,朱先生有一个直率的诚实的社会改革者的尊称。In office, Mr Zhu had a reputation as a blunt, honest reformer.

郑观应是这一思想的积极倡导者。The reformer and ideologist Zheng Guanying was the exponential.

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李冲是北魏孝文帝时期著名的政治家、改革家。Lichong was a politician and reformer in the reign of Emperor Xiaowen.

谭嗣同是清末杰出的社会改革家。Tan Sitong was an outstanding social reformer at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

改革者是小泽一郎,称他有争议还算委婉的说法。The reformer is Ichiro Ozawa. Calling him controversial is putting it mildly.

英国社会改革家、英国首相沙夫茨伯里勋爵生于伦敦。Lord Shaftesbury, British social reformer and PRIME minister, was born in London.

在政治上也是如此,改革者可能与暴君有着同样强烈的权欲。In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot.

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乍一眼看上去,亚尼斯•布塔利斯不太像是个支持自由市场的改革家。At first glance, Yiannis Boutaris would seem to be an unlikely free-market reformer.

刘国正先生是我国语文教育界的教育理论家和语文教材改革家。Liu Guozheng is a great educator and reformer in teaching Chinese in educating field.

真正的礼貌来自真诚---萨缪尔。斯迈尔斯,苏格兰作家和改革家。The truest politeness comes from sincerity---Samuel Smiles, Scotish author and reformer.