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动物细胞?Animal cell?

熊是动物。The bear is animal.

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空邮还是海邮?By animal or seamail?

她是一只亲切的动物.She is a kind animal.

鹿是一种易受惊的动物。A deer is a shy animal.

像动物般的哀嚎,恸哭。Keening like an animal.

他是一种算计的动物。He is an indirect animal.

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一名兽医是一位动物医生。A vet is an animal doctor.

那是人还是野兽?。Was it a man or an animal?

自己们与动物生活寓居。We lived with animal life.

熊是一种危险的动物。Bear is a dangerous animal.

它是由兽皮做的。It is made of animal skins.

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人是用器之兽。Man is a tool-using animal.

在这张图上你能看到什么动物?Can you what animal this is?

鹿是我最喜欢的动物。Deer are my favorite animal.

耶鲁大学人类学系的研究助理,加里.阿龙森说,“它是非常隐秘的动物,我们对它几乎一无所知。”It is a very cryptic animal.

猫是行动敏捷的动物。The cat is an active animal.

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你问别人的本命年是哪一年。You ask others' animal year.

熊是智力高的动物。Bear is a intelligent animal.

认识运用工具的动物。Man is the tool-using animal.