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学术界给我们带来了什么?What do we have in academia?

再来说说学术界。On the other hand, we have academia.

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所以它在学术上影响很小。And that's why it lacked the impact on academia.

1980年当选中央研究院院士。In 1980, he was elected Fellow of Academia Sinica.

难道是学院派和行业派的冲突吗?Is there a conflict between industry and academia?

专业化常在学术界占主导地位。the specialization is very often dominant in academia.

因为费茨博迪博士知道学术界并不总是公平。Dr. Fitzbody knew that academia was not always fair and.

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我的两个同班同学成了中央研究院的院士。Two of my classmates became academicians of Academia Sinica.

学术界最理想的状态就是允许完全自由的辩论。In its ideal form, the core of academia is freedom to debate.

我们没有实验室——学术界和公司有。We have no laboratories – they rest in academia and companies.

它同时伤害了学术界及非学术界的人。It hurts academia and hurts people who are outside of academia.

非关税壁垒是国内外学术界研究的热点问题。Non-tariff barriers are popular problems researched by academia.

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中科会致力研究科学及高科技。Academia Sinica is devoted to researching science and technology.

这些新头儿们将拥有学术界中最令人羡慕的工作。The newcomers will have some of the most enviable jobs in academia.

国立中央研究院历史语言研究所集刋。Bulletin of the Institute of History and philosophy, Academia Sinica.

现在你们来到这里,且大多数人将来都不会进入学术界。Now you may be sitting here and most of you aren't going to academia.

大学院校中到处都是具备前者而不具备后者的人。Academia is teeming with people who are the former but not the latter.

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回到餐馆,张琳谈到她的学术生涯。Back in the restaurant, Zhang Lin speaks about her career in academia.

他也承认“夸大”在学术界中普遍存在。He does acknowledge that " exaggerations " are widespread in academia.

国立中央研究院的地位和影响。The fourth part expounds the position and influence of Academia Sinica.