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我低下头来承认过失。I bowed my head in acknowledgement of guilt.

您收到我们的确认信吗?。Didn't you receive any acknowledgement from us?

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我收到一封有礼貌的感谢信。I received a gracious letter of acknowledgement.

对我的申请,我还没有收到复信告知收悉。I didn't receive an acknowledgement of my application.

未注明翻译也是接受的。Translation without acknowledgement is not acceptable.

收藏,是对文化的尊重,对传统的告慰。It is a respect for culture and acknowledgement of tradition.

具有确认和回调的同步更新请求Synchronous update request with acknowledgement and call-back

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下面是我的签名,确认我的誓言。In acknowledgement whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.

申请人会以邮递方式获发认收通知。An acknowledgement receipt will be sent to the applicant by post.

这些花是用来对您的恩惠略表谢意的。These flowers are a small acknowledgement of your great kindness.

贵公司将收到对贵公司8月20日发出的订货单的正式回单。You'll receive a formal acknowledgement of your order of August 20.

原件编辑人员应发出文件传输确认函。The originator will expedite acknowledgement of document transmittals.

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调解书经双方当事人签收后,发生法律效力。The statement of mediation shall carry legal effect after acknowledgement.

一旦处理完毕,它将发送一条确认消息给客户端。Once it has completed, it sends an acknowledgement message back to the client.

确认是自动发生的,因此这不影响程序代码。The acknowledgement happens automatically so this does not affect the program code.

本公司只在顾客签收时即时发现损毁的情况下方安排退换货品。Goods items can only be returned if damage is found upon acknowledgement of receipt.

发送器会自动确认他们的“赠品”已送到,会立即显示“谢谢!”The sender gets an automatic acknowledgement of their 'gift', an instant 'thank you'.

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因为你感谢你当下的丰盛,你一定会变得更加丰盛。Because in your acknowledgement of your prosperous now your prosperity must become more.

此同意不搆成货运代理接受指示。This acknowledgement does not constitute an acceptance of the instructions by the Agent.

调解书经双方当事人签收后,发生法律效力。The statement of mediation shall take legal effect after acknowledgement by both parties.