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因为在普通话里“倒”和“到”是同音字。"Dao", inversion and arrival, is homophone in Mandarin Chinese.

第二部分是孝南方言同音字表。The second part is about the tables of Chinese characters with homophone.

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而在中国,数字“8”与“发”谐音。And in Chinese, the number eight is a homophone for the word for getting rich.

我受不了打字时,遇到同音字在首位的是他名字。I can't stand when typing, encounter a homophone in the first place is his name.

汉语语言的忌讳、崇拜和谐音的关系密切。There are close relations among Chinese language taboo, admiration and homophone.

文章介绍百合平话的声韵调系统和音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。It is an introductory to the rhyme, the pronunciation and homophone in Ziyang Town.

其中大量的颜色词、象征词、称呼语、宗教词以及谐音词中都蕴涵着丰富的民族特色。A great number of culture-loaded words concerning color, symbol, appellation, religion and homophone are in use.

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两个实验考察汉字识别中语音对字形加工产生的影响。The homophone effect in the recognition of Chinese character was investigated in 2 lexical-decision experiments.

本研究采用真假字判断与同音判断任务考察了汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的心理机制。The mental mechanism of developmental dyslexia was investigated using character decision task and homophone decision task.

语音在汉语阅读的早期就发挥了作用,而且同音字错误比非同音字错误更容易被恢复。Phonology played an role early in Chinese reading and subjects corrected homophone errors more easily than non-homophone ones.

第二种单词是同音异形异意词——它是由字母与符号或者数字组合构成的,而听起来像另外的词。The second kind of word is a "homophone"-it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words.

第二种单词形式是“爆破”――这是通过把字母和标志,或数字与听起来像其它单词的声音连起来形成的。The second kind of word is a "homophone" — it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers to sound like other words.

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第二类词是“同音词”,它的创造相结合的字母和符号或数字,听起来像其他的话。The second kind of word is a " homophone -it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words."

第二种是“同音词”。它是由字母符号、数字组成的,听起来像别的单词。The second kind of word is a " homophone"- it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words.

在普通话里,菜或蔬菜与财富的财谐音,而舞蹈被认为会给生意带来好运。In Mandarin, the word cai or "vegetable" is a homophone for "fortune", and the dance is believed to bring businesses good fortune.

文章介绍百合平话的声韵调系统和音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。The paper is a recording of the phonetic system of the Ping Dialect of BaiHe in Heng County, which includes its phonetic features and homophone.

“双关语”指在一定的语言环境中,利用词的多义和同音的条件,有意使语句具有双重意义,言在此而意在彼的修辞方式。Awen In Chinese, we do have "pun". We use "homophone" with different characters to show two meanings in one sentence and achieve the Rhetoric effect.

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谐音双关法是一种富有中国特色的新的翻译方法,近年被广泛用于商标词翻译中,并获得了极大的成功。Homophone translation, a new translation method with distinctive Chinese features, has been widely and successfully used to translate foreign trademark words in recent years.

说明新津方言的语音系统,分别从声韵调三方面叙述,再说明声韵调配合规律,列出同音字表。Two shows Xinjin dialect voice system, separately from the three aspects of phonological tune description to elaborate Phonology tune with the laws listed in Table homophone.

短SOA时,同音不规则字产生的启动效应等同于语义启动效应,而同音规则字产生的启动效应则大于语义启动效应。At the short SOA, however, regular homophone primes produced a larger effect than the semantic effect while irregular homophone primes produced an equal effect as the semantic primes.