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需与粘液脂肪肉瘤鉴别。It needs to be differentiated from myxoid liposarcoma.

注意乳突状结构周围的细胞都有粘液样结缔组织核心。Note the cells around papillations that have a myxoid connective tissue core.

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下图见瘤细胞巢被丰富的粘液样间质所分隔。The tumor cell nests are separated from each other by abundant myxoid stroma.

结论黏液样肾上腺皮质肿瘤是罕见的肾上腺皮质肿瘤。Conclusions Myxoid adrenal cortical carcinoma is a rare tumor in the adrenocortex.

显微镜下可见肿瘤内含有星状细胞,散落在疏松的黏液间质内。可有少量内陷的小管。Microscopically, it consists of stellate cells in loose myxoid stroma. A few entrapped tubules may be present.

腱鞘囊肿是一种含有黏液物质的囊肿,常发生于肌肉肌腱或半月软骨。A ganglion is a fluid-filled cyst with a myxoid matrix that occasionally occurs within muscles, tendons, and menisci.

组织学检查,病变具有广泛的粘液样变、囊腔形成、血管壁透明变性和缺乏核分裂相等特点。Histologically, the tumors were characterized by widespread myxoid , cyst formation, vessel wall hyalinization, and absence of mitoses.

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普通型黏液样脂肪肉瘤是年轻患者的脂肪肉瘤中最常见的一个亚型,且预后极好。We conclude that conventional myxoid liposarcoma is by far the most common subtype of liposarcoma in young patients, with an excellent prognosis.

可见到在有多量小血管的粘液样基质中散在一些成束的梭形细胞及慢性炎性细胞。This example of inflammatory pseudotumor shows proliferation of spindle cells in a background of myxoid matrix containing scattered inflammatory cells.

在婴儿,纤维瘤病经常累及头部、颈部和邻近的四肢,背景以粘液为主,少量的软骨样间质,钙化罕见。In infants, fibromatosis usually involves the head, neck and proximal extremities, the background is more myxoid than chondroid , and calcification is rare.

多形性黏液样脂肪肉瘤和梭形细胞黏液样脂肪肉瘤似乎分别代表了高级别和低级别的黏液样脂肪肉瘤。Pleomorphic myxoid liposarcoma and spindle cell myxoid liposarcoma most likely represent high-grade and low-grade variants of myxoid liposarcoma, respectively.

病理组织检查显示肿瘤以原始结缔组织为基质,伴有索状齿源性上皮组织及分化良好之牙釉质、牙本质结构。Histologically, the tumor was composed of a myxoid connective tissue with strands of odontogenic epithelium and differentiated tissue such as enamel and dentin.

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高倍镜可见心房粘液瘤极小的细胞结构,仅有散在的纺锤形细胞,在疏松的粘液样基质中有少量淡红的胞浆存在。This high power microscopic aearance of cardiac myxoma shows minimal cellularity. Only scattered indle cells with scant pink cytoplasm are present in a loose myxoid stroma.

文献中大约总共报道了50例发生于儿童和青少年的真性脂肪肉瘤,其中大部分是黏液样脂肪肉瘤,且预后良好。Altogether, approximately 50 bona fide liposarcomas have been reported in children and adolescents, most of which have represented myxoid liposarcomas, with a good prognosis.

高倍镜可见心房粘液瘤极小的细胞结构,仅有散在的纺锤形细胞,在疏松的粘液样基质中有少量淡红的胞浆存在。This high power microscopic appearance of cardiac myxoma shows minimal cellularity . only scattered spindle cells with scant pink cytoplasm are present in a loose myxoid stroma.

镜下见未成熟和成熟的脂肪组织小叶由丰富毛细血管、小静脉的狭窄纤维间隔分割,伴不同程度的黏液样基质。Microscopically, lobules of immature and mature adipose tissues were separated by narrow fibrous septa with numerous capillaries and venules , and accompanied with varying degree of myxoid matrix.