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日本的柔道是从柔术发展过来的。The Japanese judo is developed from the jiujitsu.

1900年前,很多流派的柔术在传授。Before 1900 many variations of jiujitsu were taught.

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我们提供泰拳和巴西柔术的综合项目。We offer an integrated Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu program.

那我就可以好好像UFC粉丝们展示我的巴西柔术技巧了。This will be a good opportunity to show the UFC fans my jiujitsu skills.

在性格形成的重要时期,罗宾学习了法律、医学、表演等。Lupin's formative years. He studies law, medicine, acting, jiujitsu , etc.

大多数人易将柔术与柔道、合气道、擒拿或最近流行的巴西柔术混淆。Most people confuse it with either Judo, Aikido, Chi-na, or recently popular Brazilian Jiujitsu.

他们赋予柔术一个神话背景,并根据其基本原则的运用发展出一种修行方式。They gave to jiujitsu a mythological background and developed a form of religion based on the application of its principles.

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你能很早就开始汲取你在巴西柔术里能学到的所有知识,这样以后你就能运用更多的技术来形成一个属于自己的风格。You soak up all the knowledge you can get so you can have the tools to personalise your game later on in your jiujitsu early.

从上次战争直至今日,柔道、柔术以及徒手格斗的专家们写了相当多的书籍。Between the last war and the present, a number of books were written by experts in judo, jiujitsu , and unarmed combat technique.

我朋友罗姆喜欢摄影,其他的,我还觉得他也喜欢柔道、与好友消磨时光。My friend Norm loves photography, but I think he also really enjoys jiujitsu and spending time with close friends, among other things.

利用身体的平衡以及对手失去平衡时对于对手的体重和力量利用是柔道的一个基本原则。The use of balance, as well as the use of the opponent's weight and strength when he is unbalanced, is one of the basic fundamentals of jiujitsu.

蓝带代表着踏上巴西柔术升带阶梯的第一步,同时是大多数白带学员在开始他们巴西柔术的学习历程后的首要目标。The blue belt represents the first step up the belt ladder in jiujitsu and it's the goal of most white belts starting out in the jiujitsu journey.

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2005年他移居到中国北京,在这里教授巴西柔术,并在此开设了中国第一个专业的巴西柔术学院。In 2005 he moved to Beijing, China, where Brazilian jiujitsu professor, and this has opened China's first professional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy.

考察从柔术到柔道的发展过程,可以充分证明柔道受到了中国传统思想和文化的影响。Looking into the development course of jiujitsu to judo, it can be fully demonstrated that judo was influenced by the Chinese traditional ideology and culture.

十二世纪后不久,日本人很快对这种格斗产生兴趣,采纳了中国人的创意,开始发展他们的柔术。The Japanese, soon after the twelfth century, came interested in this type of combat and, adopting Chinese ideas, began the development of their jiujitsu technique.

不要过早地将自己限制在某个特定的技术里,尽管这样做能让你在这个阶段赢得一些比赛,但最终会局限你对巴西柔术的理解。Don't specialise in a specific game too early, although this may help you win competitions at this stage, it will ultimately limit your understanding of jiujitsu later on.