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财产所有权已被转让的契据。A deed whereby ownership of the property is transferred.

现在这就是麦子怎样和糠秕分开的方法。Now this is the method whereby the wheat is separated from thechaff.

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无须使用车床就可以研磨棒材表面的操作。An operation whereby the surface of a bar is ground without using a lathe.

教师出现严重过失时,学校有权因此立即解雇该教师。Terminable Offences are any offence whereby the teacher may be fired immediately.

如果公司看不到你为它做的贡献,那么公司老板凭什么给你高工资?When the whole company cannot see your value, whereby the boss pays you high salary?

电路中的电流变化产生磁力或电动势的过程。The process whereby changes in the current flow in a circuit produce magnetism or an emf.

一种扩散机制,此时原子的运动是从晶格间隙位置迁移到另一个相近的间隙位置。A diffusion mechanism whereby atomic motion is from interstitial site to interstitial site.

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此外,它是合身的,更轻,即它可以在几乎任何形状或大小。In addition it is form-fitting and lighter, whereby it can take on almost any shape or size.

血管生成是一种生理过程,新血管从现有血管长出。Angiogenesis is a physiological process whereby new blood vessels grow from existing vessels.

大多数植物显示出一种节奏性变化,在有光照时气孔张开,黑暗中气孔关闭。Most plants exhibit a stomatal rhythm whereby the stomata open in light and close in darkness.

另一个社区驱动的网站,让你可以在网上搜寻或放入一个数据库的“烂”的邻居。Another community-driven site whereby you can search or add to a database of "rotten" neighbors.

业力是体系原则的致因和影响力,依附它均衡可以或许被获得大概再次获得。Karma is the scientific principle of cause and effect whereby balance can be attained or regained.

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去睡觉是你从白天的各种工作中脱离出来最终进入睡眠的一个过程。Going to sleep should be a process whereby you begin to disengage from the day to enter into sleep.

新单位有一个提高,板条地板设计,使空气冷却是通过制定板条。New units have a raised, slatted floor design whereby air for cooling is drawn up through the slats.

群聚就是相同行业的企业紧挨着相聚在一起的现象。Clustering is the phenomenon whereby firms from the same industry gather together in close proximity.

这种现象通常需要对向锁定,从而使车手能够把前胎刹住。This often requires opposite-lock to correct, whereby the driver turns the front wheels into the skid.

一个常见的解决方案就是数据简缩,即通过减少源数据来降低物理空间需求。A common solution is data reduction, whereby the source data is reduced to require less physical space.

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这个故事中的岛屿是一个没有其他国家也没有外债的封闭系统。This story of the island is a close system whereby there is no other country and hence no foreign debt.

改革需要引进一种“捆绑式价格”,借此诊所可以得到一个提供治疗的水准。The reforms will introduce a “bundled price”, whereby clinics receive a set rate for providing treatment.

必须要有某种拣选机制,将真正的革命性想法挑选出来。There needs to be some screening process whereby truly revolutionary ideas are weeded out from ersatz ones.