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我们随节奏轻舞一步接一步。We saunter through tempo step by step.

她开始向篝火处慢慢走去。She began a slow saunter toward the bonfires.

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透过车窗玻璃,她看到安德森慢悠悠地踱过来。Through the window, she saw Anderson saunter over.

他也会被自己的双脚绊倒,随后又唱着歌儿闲逛。he'd fall over his own feet, and saunter on singing.

喜欢我俩一起漫步并留下足迹。I like we're saunter and leave a footmark in the beach.

在一次过场中,她们走过一行不同的男人,边笑边闹。During one walk they sing and saunter past a line of indifferent men.

在夏日,内子和我有时会在黄昏阴凉时分到那里散步。Sometimes in the summer my wife and I saunter there in the cool of the evening.

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在接下来的几个小时里,我们就像城市漫游者们一样,悠闲地在宽阔的大道上闲逛。For the next couple of hours, like flâneurs we leisurely saunter the broad boulevards.

我不喜欢要一个放纵和闲置公众对与我漫步在美丽的误会。I should not like to ask an indulgent and idle public to saunter about with me under a misapprehension.

信步其中,深吸一口清新自然的空气,很可能会让你想起遥远的家乡。Saunter into it, and take a breath of refreshing nature, something may well remind you of your hometown miles away.

先冷静地深吸一口气,然后慢慢地绕餐桌一圈,在取菜之前,先检视一下到底有哪些食物。Take a deep calming breath and saunter slowly around the table, checking out what's there before you take anything.

在这个地方,一般行人都会保持安静,但在这个早上,却有一些满脸疑窦的人往往返返。In a place where most people saunter quietly, on this morning folks were dashing about with perplexed looks on their faces.

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有些中年妇女穿着睡衣在街上闲逛,有些甚至穿睡衣坐地铁或者去购物。Some middle-aged women saunter onto the street in their sleepwear. Some even venture as far as the subway or the shopping mall.

我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着。I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns.

对于没有钱的球迷来说,背个行囊,带上地图,在德国瞎转悠,然后泡在酒吧里,就能混上一个月了。To the fan without money, carry a travelling bag on the back, carry a map, in Germany blind saunter , next bubble is in bar, can mix a month.

小鸡们在地上啄食,沿着走廊的弯曲的木头柱子很久以前被矫正过,以便更好的承重。Chickens saunter across the grounds. Wooden pillars along the balconies were erected long ago at leaning angles to give the structure greater strength.

当然是没有值得大惊小怪的大事,希刺克厉夫没准在旷野上来一个月下散步,或者就躺在稻草的厩楼里,别扭得不想跟我们说话。It's surely no great cause of alarm that Heathcliff should take a moonlight saunter on the moors, or even lie too sulky to speak to us in the hay-loft.

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他们从容的离开了咖啡馆,走上了人行道。这些被指控进行有组织网络犯罪的家伙与常人无异,他们轻而易举的过上了美好生活。They saunter out of the café and onto the sidewalk, looking surprisingly banal for guys accused of organized cybercrime, enjoying the good life with little effort or risk.