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我们为什么打哈欠?Why do we yawn?

在客人面前别打呵欠。Don't yawn in company.

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又打哈欠又伸懒腰。A yawn followed a stretch.

当你疲倦时就会打哈欠。When you are tired you yawn.

乏味的演讲让我呵欠连天。Boring lectures make me yawn.

即使只是想想这些就能使我想打哈欠。Just the thought makes me yawn.

他打了个呵欠伸了伸懒腰。He stretched himself with a yawn.

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我刚设法忍住了一个呵欠。I just managed to smother a yawn.

因此,我预计市场不会理睬它。So, I expected the market to yawn.

他的冗长的故事听得我直打呵欠。His long boring story made me yawn.

他起了床,伸个懒腰并打个呵欠。He got up with a stretch and a yawn.

她打哈欠表示她很困了。Her yawn suggests that she is sleepy.

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它们会叫、呜咽、咆哮和打哈欠。They'll bark, whimper, growl and yawn.

三个小猫猫,开始打呵欠。Three little kittens, started to yawn.

事实上,我们不知道为什么人们会打哈欠。Fact is, we don't know why people yawn.

院里的狗狗打着哈欠醒过来。The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn.

唉呀,到底还有多少幻灯片呀?Yawn -- HOW Many More Slides Are There?

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他那热情但冗长的演讲让我们打哈欠。His zealous but long speech made us yawn.

然后他们开始打哈欠,我们也开始打哈欠。Then they start to yawn, we start to yawn.

打个呵欠,如果你愿意,请再翻一页。Yawn and turn the page here if you’d like.