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它是绿茵场地,It's grass court,

我着紧草。I'm wearing grass.

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我着紧草。I am wearign grass.

我着紧草。I am wearing grass.

羊吃的是草。Sheep feed on grass.

羊以草为食。Sheep live on grass.

切莫打草惊蛇。A snake in the grass.

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帮你割草好吗?Can I cut your grass?

牛以吃草为主。Cattle feed on grass.

勿踏草地。Don't tread on grass.

马以草为食。Horses live on grass.

它最喜灰吃绿草。It likes to eat grass.

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春天是绿绿的草地。Spring is green grass.

为什么牛儿要吃草呢?Why do cows eat grass?

如同附在椽和草叶上。As to rafters or grass.

噢,原来草地上有小坑呢!Oh, the grass has a pit!

这些羊在吃草。The sheep feed on grass.

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他们在草地上飞跑。They slide on the grass.

在绿草茵茵的小径上。On the narrow grass path.

纸是草做的。Paper is made from grass.