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强子层次上强子的质量可以唯象的引入。In hadron levels the hadronic masses can be introduced phenomenologically.

其中的AEBB-2000使更高性能强子对撞机的诞生成为可能。Development of AEBB-2000 made it possible to create the greater hadron collider.

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人类正在探索这些粒子可能是什么,也许,大型强子对撞机可以给我们制造一些出来。We are looking for what they might be, and the Large Hadron Collider might even create some.

今天让我们来看一看位于新西伯利亚市核物理研究所的强子对撞机。Today we’ll have a look at a hadron collider of the Nuclear Physics Institute in Novosibirsk.

这个大型强子对撞机位于日内瓦附近瑞士和法国边界地下的一个隧道里。The Large Hadron Collider is located in an underground tunnel below the Swiss-French border near Geneva.

我们的一些横幅警告你我们能在欧洲核子研究委员会用大型强子碰撞性加速装置制造一个迷你黑洞。Some of our banners will warn you that we can make mini black holes at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern.

经过几十年的规划和建设,首批质子在大型强子对撞机周围圆环运转。After decades of planning and construction, the first protons were circulated around the Large Hadron Collider.

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很多有关大型强子对撞机的大众舆论经常会说,它是用来近似模拟大爆炸形成条件的。Popular accounts of the Large Hadron Collider often say it’s trying to approximate the conditions at the Big Bang.

随着大型强子对撞机开动的日子越来越近,印度媒体陷入癫狂状态。The Indian media had been working itself into a frenzy as the switch-on time for the Large Hadron Collider approached.

现在是时候那里人们都说“见什麽鬼这和大型强子对撞机和湿婆有何关系???”Now is the time where people are saying "What the heck does this have to do with the Large Hadron Collider and Shiva???"

物理学家们希望能借助这台17英里长的大型强子对撞机能够解释宇宙的无穷奥秘!Physicists working with the 17-mile-long Large Hadron Collider hope it will help solve some of the universe's mysteries.

强子对撞机的一个目标就是要寻找这样一些粒子,它们的质量与W粒子和Z粒子相当。One goal of the Large Hadron Collider is to look for those particles, which should have masses comparable to those of the W and Z.

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普通强子作为最简单的夸克系统为我们开启了理解低能QCD之门,但QCD并不排斥多夸克态的存在。An ordinary hadron as a simplest quark system opens the gate for us to understand QCD, but QCD do not deny the exist of multiquark states.

欧罗巴洲核女研究外心的声明打算消除许少人有关新建成的大型强女对碰机正在实验时将产生一个黑洞,继绝来前吞噬零个儿地球的惊恐。CERN's pronouncements were intended to allay concerns that a black hole would be spit out of its new Large Hadron Collider and eat the Earth.

像有线网先前报道的那样,大型强子对撞机经创下了产生最高能量粒子流的世界纪录。As previously reported by Wired, the Large Hadron Collider has already set the world record for producing the highest energy particle streams.

今天,两名初级物理学家被解雇,因为他们将两个马栗子放入大型强子对撞机加速到近接光速进行对撞。Two junior particle physicists were dismissed today after using the Large Hadron Collider to smash conkers into each other at near-light speed.

他们期望能够看到大型强子碰撞型加速装置内部的粒子,而这种能力完全取决于数学。Their ability to make predictions about the particles they are expecting to see inside the Large Hadron Collider is entirely down to mathematics.

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在高能标度下描述强子的是与探测强子结构的硬过程相联系的QCD部分子模型。At high energy scale, the QCD parton model, which is relative to the hard process for testing the hadron structure, is used to describe the hadron.

在用大型电子对撞机创造了最高能量质子束流对撞记录后,瑞士的科学家们称,他们将“探索前人未曾涉足的领域。”Scientists in Switzerland say they are "going where nobody has been before" after setting a high-power collision record with the Large Hadron Collider.

正如现代物理学中很多其他的观点一样,这个观点也涉及到了粒子加速,也就是位于瑞士的大型强子对撞机正在做的事情。As with much else in modern physics, the idea involves particle acceleration, the kind of thing that goes on in the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.