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我的女战士。My warrior woman.

闻香识女人。Scent of a Woman.

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这个女人52岁了。This woman is 52.

女人哭吧,笑吧!A woman cry, laugh!

敢问是谁家女子?Ask who is a woman?

她是一位好女人。She is a good woman.

蔼—一个迷人的女子。Ah--a charming woman.

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啊——一个迷人的女子。Ah--a charming woman.

她是个矮胖的女人。She is a dumpy woman.

她是个职业妇女。She's a career woman.

丿个有故事的女孒。The story of à woman.

那女人怎么样?What about the woman?

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男人可以去乞食,女人就得去卖身。Man begs, woman sells.

她是巾帼英雄。She is a heroic woman.

那个女人真胖!The woman is so fatty!

我是海贝月光女神。AM Seashell Moon Woman.

这个女人真残忍!HOW cruel the woman is!

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老太婆果然有了一只新木盆。He had a new woman tub.

那可怜的妇人怎样了?How is that poor woman?

莫利是个富有的女人。Molly was a rich woman.