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我终因无聊厌烦,憋得面呈死色。My face turns dead with boredom.

你知道解除沈闷的任何方法吗?Do you know any way to relieve boredom?

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习惯化是厌倦这个词的一种华丽表达Habituation is a fancy word for boredom.

长期的空虚或者厌倦感。Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom.

关系的发情和厌倦是很普通的。Relationship ruts and boredom are common.

他独处于孤岛之中觉得乏味得要死。He was dying of boredom in the isolated island.

十六个小时的行程使我烦闷到想大叫。Sixteen hours and I wanted to cry with boredom.

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百无聊赖中,赌鬼他对我开了腔。Til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.

厌烦情绪是大部分英语课的主要问题。Boredom is a major problem in most English classes.

然而,饥饿和厌食很快的导致了他们过度饱食。But soon, hunger and food boredom lead to overeating.

在公共场所,张大嘴巴连连打呵欠,显示你极度厌倦。Yawn publicly with an open mouth, indicating boredom.

学习如何驱除厌倦感对我们的快乐极其重要。Learning to banish boredom is essential for Happiness.

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彼得并非持有无聊有益观点的唯一一人。Peter Bregman is not alone in his opinion about boredom.

他们以唱歌来减轻等候的厌烦。They alleviated the boredom of waiting by singing songs.

由于无聊,我忽略了那几百种不同的声音。Several hundred of these voices I ignored out of boredom.

无聊,沉闷。The problem, of course, is boredom. The problem is tedium.

他无可事事,他觉得这种无聊难以忍受。He had nothing to do and found the boredom hardly endurable.

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毒品是诱发犯罪的一个重要原因,年轻人厌世无聊是另一个原因。Well, drugs are a major cause of crime, as is young boredom.

每晚四小时的学习,我一点也不觉得无聊。And for the space of four hours every night, I feel no boredom.

他们的回答中有超过70种对于无聊乏味的不同表达方式。The answers included nearly 70 varying descriptions of boredom.