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这是巧合吗?Is this coincidence?

这是纯属巧合吗?Is it pure coincidence?

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真是太巧了。That's really a coincidence.

这绝不可能是机缘巧合。This is no chance coincidence.

一些人说,这绝非巧合。Some say this is no coincidence.

而中方称此为一个巧合。The Chinese called it a coincidence.

难道这一切只是宇宙巧合吗?Is this all just some cosmic coincidence?

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是的,你知道我缺一个好帮手。It is coincidence that you also know the man.

为什么我们不为这次的巧遇庆祝一下呢?Why don't we celebrate this great coincidence?

但它往往会跟中文有些异曲同工之妙。It always has a curious coincidence with Chinese.

我们也拥有这项专利权纯系巧合。It's a coincidence that we've also got the patent.

真巧合.我想你是一个足球迷吧?What a coincidence. I guess you`re a football fan?

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当时美国国债走低,不过看起来只是巧合。Treasurys slipped but it seemed to be a coincidence.

对佩罗来说,名下公司被惠普和戴尔接连收编并非只是历史的巧合。It isn't just the coincidence of Mr. Perot's history.

这是预言的一种还是只是一个巧合罢了?Is that an example of precognition or just coincidence?

多巧啊,我先生也喜欢钓鱼。That's a coincidence. My husband also likes to go fishing.

而和他在一起,不过是个偶然万分感谢!Now the momen being with him is only a kind of coincidence.

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这些事情发生在一起绝不仅仅是巧合。These incidents, taken together, are more than coincidence.

对符合门起决定作用的间隔距离是可以调整的。The interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable.

多巧啊,我妻子的妹妹竟然是你的同事。What a coincidence that my wife's sister was your colleague!