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托马斯李比希是经合组织的一名经济学家。Thomas Liebig is the an economist in at the OECD.

下面的哪一项正确地描述了OECD的报告?Which of the following is true of the OECD report?

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他同时担任“经合组织经济学研究”编委会主席。He also chaired the editorial board of OECD Economic Studies.

因此,我们对经合组织成员国的建议是不要这样做,不要开倒车。So, our advice to OECD countries is do not go there, " Ash said.

但是经合组织的数字与中国官方的统计数据迥异。But the OECD figure is quite different to the official Chinese figures.

中国国家统计局比经合组织更容易提供数据。The Chinese Statistical Bureau provides data more easily than the OECD.

相比之下,经合组织的亚洲成员国日本和韩国最瘦。By contrast, Asian OECD countries Japan and South Korea are the leanest.

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明年乃至以后,OECD与投洽会的合作会更多。Hopefully, OECD will enter into more and broader cooperation with CIFIT.

经合组织方面的人士把上海称为“改革先锋”,给出了一定的解释。The OECD folks offer some explanations, terming Shanghai a 'leader in reform.

该组织所有会员国及6个非会员国签署并批准了这项公约。All 30 OECD and six non-OECD countries have signed and ratified the convention.

1950年,在世界经济与合作组织成员国里,年龄在20-64岁间的人与65岁及65岁以上的老年人的比例为7.2。In 1950 there were 7.2 people aged 20-64 for every person of 65 and more in the OECD.

经合组织官员说,该组织成员国在打击行贿方面正在取得进展。OECD officials say member countries are making progress in the fight against bribery.

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目前,世行正同世贸组织/经合组织一道,对贸易援助的测算方法加以完善。The Bank is working with the WTO and OECD to refine the measurement of aid for trade.

至于中国和其他新兴市场,这些国家尚未加入经合组织的反腐败公约。China and other emerging markets are not even part of the OECD anti-bribery convention.

据说,港澳不大可能遵守经合组织规定,也不对外国政府惟命是从。They are, it is said, less likely to enforce the OECD rules or to kowtow to foreigners.

税收-福利制度在减少不公平和贫困方面,韩国在经合组织中的状况最为糟糕。and the tax-benefit system is the worst in the OECD at reducing inequality and poverty.

印度的工作保护法规仅比两个经合组织国家宽松,而严于所有其它成员国以及中国与巴西。India has stricter job protection laws than China, Brazil and all but two OECD countries.

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经合组织由致力于民主和自由市场经济的30国组成。The 30-nation OECD brings together nations committed to democracy and a free-market economy.

经合组织并没有监管或管辖权,但在西方国家拥有重要政治影响力。The OECD has no regulatory or policing powers but carries political weight in Western capitals.

土耳其的人均寿命为73.6岁,也低于世界经济合作与发展组织的其他国家。Longevity. Life expectancy in Turkey, at 73.6 years, is also lower than in other OECD countries.