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敢于创新。Dare to innovate.

IDEO帮助公司进行创新。IDEO helps companies innovate.

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创新的压力已经变得极小了。The pressure to innovate has been minimal.

针灸学理论需要创新和发展。Acupuncture therapy needs to innovate and development.

模糊性是你寻求创新过程中的朋友。Ambiguity is your friend if you’re looking to innovate.

当然,因为我认为人类有改革创新的能力。I am because I think humans have the ability to innovate.

联系实际,创新推进的方法。Intergrate with practice, innovate the method to advance.

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积极向上,敢于创新突破。Positive and progressive, dare to innovate breakthroughs.

学习传统,大胆创新。We should learn from the tradition and innovate intrepidity.

在改革和开辟新路径方面莱格朗表现出非凡的才能。Legrand showed a special talent to innovate and open new paths.

最后实现了整个系统,并对已有研究基础上进行了创新。At last, we realized the meta-search system and innovate in part.

创新“走出去”工作机制和服务体系。Innovate employment and service mechanisms of "going-out" projects.

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随着时代的进步,沂河宠物大胆革新,不断推出新的产品。With the development, our company continues to innovate and invent.

一些小的压力对于我们是有好处的,它能让我们有竞争力和活力。A little stress can do us good—it pushes us to compete and innovate.

但是有一小部分人已经开始改革,他们鼓励穷人存钱。But a few people have begun to innovate to encourage people to save.

在这个转型时期,充满了创新的机遇。In these shifting conditions, opportunities to innovate will abound.

如果不创新和自我改造,你将会被淘汰。If you don’t innovate and reinvent yourself, you will become obsolete.

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我们的创新能力会随着岁月之流逝而倍增。Our ability to innovate is increasing exponentially as the years go by.

第二,拓宽合作领域,创新合作形式。Second, to expand cooperation areas and innovate cooperation modalities.

酒店业已准备好通过价格和成本节约型的模式进行创新。The industry is poised to innovate in a price and cost-effective manner.