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另外,我们选择在夜间进行数据对接和同步。In addition, we proceed to the data synchronism and butt jointing in nighttime.

黑鱼河峡谷的柱状节理雄奇壮观。The columnar jointing in the Black Fish Gorge displays a most spectacular sight.

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安装完后就用过山钉连接柜体。After installation, use the jointing bolts to combine the wall cabinets together.

在主要模数以外,比莫斯还定义了一种连接件模数单元。In addition to the primary modules, Bemis devised a second-order jointing module.

水稻在拔节孕穗后期干物质生产速率最大。In the late of jointing and booting stage rice has highest dry matter productivity.

分好板件后,先将连接螺杆安装在侧板上。After sorting all the panels, install the jointing screws on the sides of the panels.

现在正在开发的方法后,耐酸铝及铝合金焊接树脂。Now under development is the method of alumite after jointing aluminum alloy and resin.

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拥用极佳焊接性,可在不同部位表现出适当的沾湿性。Has the excellent jointing character, bedewed character can be put up in different parts.

喷施时期宜在小麦起身期和拔节期。The suitable time of the chemical spraying should be among the standing to jointing stage.

他们从小生长在故乡的青山绿水中,纯洁的灵魂在田野里抽穗拔节。They grew up in the mountains home, the purity of the soul in the fields heading jointing.

通过使用本系统,可实现高质量、高效率的自动焊接。Automatic jointing of high quality and high efficiency can be achieved by using the system.

实践证明,只要遵循其焊接要点,管道的钎焊质量是较稳定的。Proves that soldering quality is stable as long as the main points of jointing are followed.

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拔节孕穗期长,幼穗分化充分,有利于壮秆大穗的形成。The stage from jointing to booting is long and the differentiation of young ear is abundant.

不同追氮时期相比,加工品质性状以拔节期追氮最好,其次为孕穗和返青期。The properties of processing quality was better dressing at jointing stages than that of others.

叙述了电极壳的制作和对接对密闭型电石炉正常运行的重要性。Importance of electrode shell making and jointing to sealed calcium carbide furnace is introduced.

对照组26例采用选磨调颌联合牙周治疗。Control group, 26 cases were selected and grinded adjustablely jointing treatment of periodontitis.

现在正在建设冲压和焊接车间及生产线。Now, the constructing the punch and jointing workshop and the production line are been constructing.

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分瓣转轮组合与焊接,直接影响着水轮机的质量和效率。The assembling and jointing of the interrupted runner affects the quality and efficiency of the turbine.

最后就实验中出现的黑色焦黄色焊缝、焊缝凸起和焊接断裂等现象进行了分析。Finally, the phenomenon of black and brown welding line, welding line heave, jointing rupture is analyzed.

干涉配合是提高连接结构抗疲劳破坏能力的经济而有效的措施。Interference fit is an economical and effective method for prolonging fatigue life of jointing structures.