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你需要一个创口贴。You need a bandage.

你有绷带吗?Do you have a bandage?

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我要用绷带把您的手包起来。I'll bandage your hand.

血从绷带上又渗了出来。Blood started from the bandage.

绷带不要扎得太紧。Don't tie the bandage too tight.

我在李珊的腿上绑了绷带。I put a bandage on Li Shan's leg.

护士轻轻地解下绷带。The nurse eased the bandage off.

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然后护士用绷带把脚绑上。Then a nurse put a bandage on it.

我擦伤了,给我绷带。Give me a bandage for an abrasion.

伤口用绷带包扎着。The wound was bound up by bandage.

用绷带包扎伤口之前先敷点碘酒。Apply some iodine before you bandage.

受伤的手臂用绷带扎起来了。The injured arm was bound by bandage.

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你需要在切口处贴上创可贴。You need to put a bandage on the cut.

也许他们会找不到创口贴给你?Maybe they couldn't find you a bandage?

护士把他的腕部包上绷带。The nurse lapped his wrist in a bandage.

他用绷带裹缠起他受伤的腿。She wound her injured leg with a bandage.

在受伤的手指上缠上绷带。Put the bandage around your wounded finger.

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护士把他的腕部包上绷带。The nurse lapped a bandage around his wrist.

我过去曾帮助瑞格清洗过并包扎过伤口。I used to wash Ziggy's cuts and bandage her up.

我要用蓝绸带缠上他的头。I'll knot a blue bandage always around his head.